Violence against leftists calling for violence isn’t surprising. Here’s Hillary Clinton calling for more violence against Republicans.
Violence against leftists calling for violence isn’t surprising. Here’s Hillary Clinton calling for more violence against Republicans.
Pretty sure the right figured that out when you guys tried to kill a baseball field full of Republican congress people..
Is that why you guys go around calling for killing the police in your BLM protests?
You guys still think egging people on to committee violence against the political opposition like your buddies Jonny Depp, Modanna, Carrol Cook, Maxine Waters, etc etc etc did was a smart idea?
Yes, a problem because it proves even a day after smoking it effects you enough to increase the chance of your poor driving under the influence of still killing people as you ignorantly drive your 3000lb death slead stupidly on the roade.
Until you get to the part where you need a new battery.
Fake news. Almost all oil refineries have increased in size.
Feel free to move to canada?
Exactly. I just ignore the hard right and hard left. They are flip sides to a stinky coin.
Apparently they know everything? And are the arbiter of everything in the world, and you should just shut up and take it (like the guy in the video).
Hold people accountable for their words? Was anyone held accountable in Ferguson when they told people to burn the place down?
Seriously, get a better place to find these, that was hilarious.
If trying to take over the healthcare industry isn’t dictatorial, I don’t know what is.
You mean other than using the power of the FBI and DOJ against his party’s opponents?
I always find it humorous when the alt-left calls the right fascists.
So you’re for anti-fa and Maxine and every leftist going around saying to harass intimidate and hurt people that don’t agree with you?
Do you nutjobs actually think your violent left anti-fa are a “good idea”?
Lots not give cops a way to keep people alive? Lol
Testing stops nothing.