They started the fight. Are you saying people don’t have the right to defend themselves now? LOL
They started the fight. Are you saying people don’t have the right to defend themselves now? LOL
So it was a coincidence that Antifa then showed up to start a fight? LOL
So you think antifa just happened to show back up to get it’s ass kicked? LOL.
Arguments are always about testing your beliefs, not theirs.
The entire blog was a bad faith argument, of course the writer realized that.
I found it hilarious the blogger tried to make an argument through omission when it’s well known that silly stuff gets “spread” through email, yet doesn’t rise to any sort of believability. It’s just a bad faith argument.
There is usually a path most arguments take. Why wait till the end when the person finally whips out something ridiculous? It’s always my favorite when someone denys that’s where they were going, then goes there eventually when pushed enough.
Your guy made this possible. McConnell even warned you guys.
You really need to learn some things. Here, let me teach you.
So you’ve surrounded yourself with mercury? Good to know.
I’m so glad you live in some part of the world were the average temperature doesn’t swing more than 2 degrees from 70f. Oh, wait? You do? And you actually survive that shift between 20f to 100f over a few months? LOL
Nobody buys e85. e15 will suffer the same.
In all of history of the world there has never been a cliff the climate has gone off. It’s taken tens of thousands of years to see a slow gradual change that effects climate around the world. So far, NOTHING seen during the industrial age looks different than the temperature record from millions of years in the past.
This is like the 70's. None of those doom and gloom world predictions came true. Eventually even the news will get tired of being wrong.
Lowest number of Tornados in NA since 1969.
Another way is which side of the center of the gage it’s on. If it’s to the right of center, the filler is on the right, to the left of center, it’s to the left.
Nobody buys these new, they are all leases.
They have changed how they keep US made vehicles out. It’s no longer high tarrifs, it’s that you can’t sell them from existing dealerships. So if you want to sell them, you have to open up a GM only dealership.
It’s Australia. 100% Australia.