Polar bear populations are booming.
Polar bear populations are booming.
Except for those loved ones that scream “the tesla crash blowtorched my husband to death when the battery caught fire!”.
Unless of course the battery pack catches fire after a crash and you can’t get right out.
Most engines are designed to submarine under the passenger compartment.
It’s simple. Get the country back to it’s original concept. Local people deciding how they want thier community to be, as long as that community has no effect on others and does not impinge on a person’s individual natural rights.
So your plan is to base our entire economy and existance as a race completely on healthcare? I guess you are for taking personal choice away from people too, since almost everyone makes decisions bad for thier health. What is you suggestion o brilliant one? Jackboot health police that bust down your door to see If you …
Most people aren’t anything like that. But you are correct, far too many people believe the garbage TV spews..
Or build the wall and women from central america will quit dragging thier kids across Mexico..
“elections have consequences”
So what are you giving up in your life to pay 4 times the taxes the average person pays to get all this unicorn rainbow stuff you want to hand out to people that decide to never work a day in thier lives? Heat? Cooling? Mobility?
Only liberals want to murder babies in the womb. Talk about Nazi-like..
Lol, and you guys wanting guilty till proven innocent isn't bat shit insane..
Lol, so funny to hear Democrats all for states rights when they dont control the federal government, but when they do suddenly the feds should force every state to be the same as California and new york..
Obama caged children. Obama took the profit out of cancer drugs, and drug companies have cut back on development. Obama murdered his own citizens with drone strikes, just like Hitler killed mental patients and Jewish people. Thanks
Now you’re just spouting crazy facts...😂
Win at all costs? You mean like outing a woman trying to make an accusation in private only to be outed by her own Democrat friends?
Without Soros paying people to make you guys look insane you probably wouldn’t look like nutjobs.
And that means you’re willing to join the military and attack China because they are not cutting back right now?
I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you.. just saying.
So what are you giving up to “do those things tomorrow” exactly? Eating out, and a less fancy car, and make your own clothes, and move into a studio apartment, and cut back on your internet, cut back on your entertainment. What’s that? You’re not willing to give up another 20% of your income to save the world? LOL