
Due to El Nino, a drought, and too many people in California building in areas previously left to burn as a way of killing underbrush buildup. Try learning something.

And this year saw the fewest tornados since 1969..

Solar panels have a limited life span. People act like if we build a battery and a wind turbine that they will run forever and ever and never need replaced. The fact is neither lasts anywhere near 20 years.

There will be no world hunger. As temperatures increase lands in norther Russia and Canada that can’t support much of a growing season will balloon into huge swaths of farmland. BTW, the earth is greening and the Sahara is greener now than it has been in decades.

NASA Climate Expert Jim Hansen has been insisting for years that parts of Manhattan will be underwater sometime between 2008 and 2018, because of Global Warming.

So climate change forced the morons in NYC in to building a subway below sea level? LOL

You guys said this was going to be happening now. Not in 2040. What a laugh (at you guys).

Meanwhile you guys don’t have any problem leaving 80% of Africa in the dark, with a billion people dying from shorter life expectancies because you want to deny them cheap affordable electricity.

I take it you’re for a war with China then? Because they are the worse at putting out CO2, and have not only not reduced their output, they plan on increasing it for the next 30 years.

2 years of global cooling and counting, according to NASA data.

Ada, signed by a Republican president, passed by both parties in the house and senate.

What world ending problem does nuclear waste cause? Unless you believe science will stop in the next 100 years everything people want to ban today is fine and will take care of themselves through natural science and engineering improvements over time. These same people predicted this amount of co2 would double the

If ruining the ecology of this planet helped us spread the human race to the stars and able to survive a world ending meteor strike I would 100% be for it. We are the most unique and valuable thing in the galaxy. Period. Our survival above everything on this deadly prison.

Meanwhile continue to let millions die in central africa without cheap power, right? 

Co2 is plant food, not a polutant.

2 years and counting of global cooling per NASA.

Wow, I would have thought you at least would have figured out the first sentence of his Collins comment. Anyway, I’ll explain it like I would to a child, since you seem to wish to be treated that way.

Reading is not comprehending. It seems you can’t understand the first sentence. Maybe read it more slowly.

Apparently you didn’t read the blog we are chatting about..

The letter was only ever in the hands of Democrats. Democrats outed her. That’s it.