Who’s buying that 2 door Tarus?
Who’s buying that 2 door Tarus?
Ford has had 3 very extensive new “looks”, GM has had, zero.
Violence goes down because the violent are in prison. It’s not that hard to understand.
So you’re saying the USA has removed lead much more than the rest of the world? Because the USA’s violence has gone down massively compared to the rest of the western world.
2 drinks at 10pm don’t hang around in your system till the next day like drugs do. Sorry that simple fact escapes you. That’s the difference.
Bankruptcy is the perfect way to take care of hundreds of thousands of dollars of personal medicals bills. Not sure why you think there’s something wrong with that. All you did was quadruple the cost of insurance to those that could pay, to cover people who don’t care enough about their own health to work hard and get…
Yeah, let's just let the criminals steal our hard worked for goods so they can get high, no big deal? Lol
Violence in the USA has decreased for decades now. I guess you are thanking the police..
You don’tknow what you are talking about what so ever.
Obama ordered the droning of the child of a US citizen. You could be next when another Democrat is in the whitehouse..
Obama did it at a press conference... did you complain then?
Obama drew a red line in the sand in Syria. He TOLD them he would start a war, and you morons are screaming about something unverified that depended on a series of events to even be dangerous. Did Woodward even talk to Kim to see what he actually would have done? Lol. A bunch of couldawoulda`s..
NYC? You meant to say Manhattan, right? The part of NYC where the rich live?
So it took killing black babies in the womb to fix NYC? Lol
Lol, you were never a republican..
Um, ok. I will take it that’s an admission you live in a basement and don’t pay attention to the news?
The can’t build this anyway. It has no a-pillar. It looks like a complete deathtrap as it is.
Pish posh! Murder has been illegal for hundreds of years! We don’t need to follow THAT ancient law anymore! :/ speaking of lack of brain cells..
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
Feel free to have your co-worker high as a kite as he uses the crazy dangerous machine next to you..