
Kelly would leave. He’s not this sort of chicken shit. My guess is it’s made up completely by the “intermediary” that supposedly provided it. It’s obvious the NYTs is more than happy to run stuff that’s unsubstantiated by the number of fake news reports they have had to roll back once they were proven wrong.

Bush worked with Democrats the last 2 years of his presidency to pass very expensive social programs. Yes, he’s a liberal.

If a proper warning isn’t in the owners manual it won’t matter what the sales drone said.

Even worse, now the “class” of a class action suit would be HUGE, so many many more lawyers will be suing them. Tesla is not going to make it. They don’t know how to run a car company. It’s obvious.

Once Lidar modules come down from $80k each to maybe $2k each you will have one.

Have you read your owners manual lately? There are some CRAZY things in it, and they are there because someone sued the manufacturer and probably won a judgment. No, she could win this, even with the phone thing.

Lawyer: If I told you I have 6 people that will testify you told them that same thing? Would that change your testimony?

Glad you have perfect memory. Most other humans do not.

What if her lawyer proves you can touch the wheel light enough that it doesn’t register?

Our entire legal system is based on the rule of law. And we don’t want the government to micro manage everything everyone and every company does. So we “disuade” corporations from making unsafe cars, or bad products, or making false claims, by letting people sue those people and or corporations if they did something

Your fault for not trying it on the test drive.. sorry.

Nobody else has factory owned dealerships, so no..


“PUT HANDS ON WHEEL!! WOOOP WOOOP!! PUT HANDS ON WHEEL!!! WOOOP WOOOP!! PUT HANDS ON WHEEL!! WOOP WOOP!!” yeah, enough “auto pilot” crashes and that’s going to be a law for sure..

This is what happens when one company runs everything involving it’s car. Tesla doesn’t seem to worry about being sued, car dealerships whould. Most indpendent dealerships would NEVER say what this woman was told, even if Tesla said they could because zero chance they want to be sued.

Do these only have visual cameras for this “autopilot”? My 2004 Cadillac uses some low mounted radar for “seeing” cars in front for the adaptive cruise control. And it works very good at stopping the car, quickly too. People will pull right in front of me and the thing slams on the brakes pretty well.

Everyone loves the 3 cylinder i8?

I don’t agree. It’s going to have a $100k plus version. But they aren’t coming out with that for at least another year. No, I believe he’s correct. This will be in the 65k, to 70k starting price. GM is not going to keep building the C7, they are not going to keep updating 2 RWD 2 seat sportcars forever and ever. That

No, it won’t be competing with the R8, at all. It’s not going to start at $140,000. The design of this is obviously mass market and will be priced only slightly higher than the current one. Mid engine isn’t hard to build, GM’s built a lot of them over the year, and one of them was a supposed economy car.

We teach cops to lie. It’s not the cops fault. We need to change how we train them. They should NEVER be allowed to lie to the public or any person. Lying as an investigative tool needs to be illegal. Because what we have done to this point is teach them lying is good and OK. And nobody turns that shit off and on.