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Read this: []
That's what annual reviews are for.
So who was the brave soul who finally took Steve Jobs aside and explained that his Reality Distortion Field did not work on body odor?
Depends on your water. I'm on well water and after a while, anything with water in it long term (pitcher of water, the outside of a Brita filter, pet's water dish) gets a sort of brown slime on it. Of course, you can't see that inside the Brita filter, but it must be there. Still, I've tried to clean it out with hot…
Resetting the context, that is, walk back into the room you were in when you had the idea, sometimes helps recapture the thought. We've all had that experience.
Until about 6 years ago, I had moved about every two years, on average. Usually about the time I had settled in, boom, something would happen and I would have to move. I'm left feeling rather rootless and unattached, though very happy with where I am now. Of course, I've been here for much longer than other places I…
You know that loratidine, the active ingredient in Claritin, takes a couple of weeks to reach full effectiveness, right? I usually start taking it just before the pollen kicks into high gear in spring and fall and it works great.
Don't move for money. In fact, don't move for your job, at all. No matter what the pay, it will not cover the cost of lost friendships, loss of community and loss of family contact.
No WalMart nearby? Where do you live, the Yukon?
Anything that is disposable, I buy generic. Above LH says to buy brand name garbage bags, but I just can't get myself to spend extra for something that is meant to be tossed out after one use.
I use Wal Mart's Claritin D product and it works great. Try that one.
Yeah, but I had reinstalled the drivers prior to doing the OS, with no luck. Oh well, she's happy with it now. Thanks!
I was installing a Verizon MiFi for a friend over the weekend. She has an old XP desktop and a not quite as old Vista laptop. I was able to eventually get the desktop connecting nicely but never could get the laptop to work, even though the MiFi is supposed to accommodate up to 5 devices. My Android device worked fine…
I like it fine in Gmail and Calendar and Voice. Hate it in Reader.
Just got my first look at the new Reader. Hate it. Too much white space, hard on the eyes. The page is too airy. The old version had much more information packed into a reasonable space.
Well, given that even the most "sophisticated" wine connoisseurs can't tell the difference between an $8 bottle of wine and an $80 bottle, go for what you like: []
The story says he discovered this while biking. I learned a way to handle a dog while biking, but admittedly this will only work in a very specific situation. The dog usually comes from the side, out of the yard and sometimes they will get out in front of you. In other words, they think they have you. Nope. Aim your…
HOLY CRAP! I did not know that about the beans! That explains an awful night I had a few years ago. It was, er, explosive. Thanks!
Less is more. As they cook, the veggies, etc. will release water. Once it's cooked, you can always add some broth or water to thin it out.
First things first, check your diet. Cut back on caffeine. Don't drink anything within 2 hours of bedtime, which will reduce the likelihood of getting up in the middle of the night. Minimize stimulation within 2 hours of bedtime, including cutting out all screen time—TV, computer, phone, etc.