
Yeah, they do validate the claims, but tend to favor the buyer. Like I said, that's who their customer is, not the seller. So, not stupid. Just giving good customer service.

I accidentally discovered a great technique to boost my yard sales. Admittedly, it won't be easy to duplicate. One year, we held a yard sale on what turned out to be the same weekend that an antique festival was held about a mile from my house. So, I benefited from an unusually high amount of traffic made up of people

Uh, no. Buyer can dispute that the item was defective or whatever and demand a refund and the CC company will enforce that. That buyer is their customer and they want to keep them happy. After all, the CC company is refunding your money, not theirs.

I'd do cash only. First, no discount to the card processor. Second, no chargebacks by dissatisfied customers.

I just use the most recently emptied drink bottle and shove the trash into it then toss it out at the next opportunity.

Last house that I owned I used American Home Shield. My cost was about the same as yours and it was the best deal I ever did. I got a new hot water heater, stove and heat pump out of the coverage. Cannot recommend it enough! Total cost to me was the annual $300 or so. I don't recall having a $60 charge per visit, but

Great podcasts here at Linux for the Rest of Us: [podnutz.com] Aimed at n00bs.

Yup. I want them for just that protection. If no assgaskets are handy, a couple strips of TP do the trick.

Well, it's not TurboTax that wants that verifiable documentation, it's the IRS. So maybe you should get a mileage book or if you have a smartphone, get an app. I use aCar and am very happy with it: [market.android.com].....

If you work on a contract basis, you should always have 2 or 3 new contracts to go to at any time. If the decision can be forced on you, it will be forced on you. Move on your terms and time frame, not theirs.

Gotta tell ya, I see the theory here but I have been rejected so many times that I'm not sure that I could bring myself to deliberately seek it out. I used to be in sales, so rejection was an hourly thing, but it all caught up to me eventually. Now I actively avoid situations where rejection could occur. Which means

Nice. I'll try that.

Wrong. You're cheating the artists, the production crew and anybody else involved in bringing out a work of intellectual property. Physical or not, the value does not lie in the piece of plastic that the movie or song is recorded on, it lies in the intellectual property recorded on it. It's direct theft of someone's


You pay the same even if you are employed by someone else, you just don't have to stroke the check for it. I would love for the Congress to eliminate payroll tax withholding and have everyone send in a quarterly check. I figure it would take about two pay cycles to throw the bums out.


I have one of those. It's been great, never had a freeze once in nearly a year.

Where do you find off-lease stuff?

Pretty cool. I volunteer at a senior center teaching the seniors how to use their computers. This could come in handy.