Home Depot- six feet of heavy chain with a big ass hook on the end. Swing until you connect then finish them off with a box cutter or knife or screwdriver.
Home Depot- six feet of heavy chain with a big ass hook on the end. Swing until you connect then finish them off with a box cutter or knife or screwdriver.
OK, don't expose them to over 122 degrees. So, how low a temp can they work in? I've got one in the light on my back porch.
Thick cut Canadian bacon :)
Where I live, the shoulders of the roads tend to be sandy. Hardly a year goes by that a couple of high school kids don't drift off onto the shoulder (probably texting or fooling with the radio), they freak out and over-correct. When they do that, they shoot across both lanes and into the ditch or the trees on the…
No, no, no—-if you wait until you're thirsty, it's too late. Small sips, well spaced out, during exertion is the way to go. Back in my mountain bike racing days, this meant a quick slug on the CamelBak about every 10 minutes. Don't chug, sip.
The Four Stages of Mastery: [en.wikipedia.org]
I do this with my documents, etc. For instance, if a document concerns a particular customer, I will name it "XYZCoProposal10102011" then search on "XYZCo*" which brings up all XYZCo documents. Much faster than using folders. #tips Google Desktop does a nice job of finding the files, but I think it is being…
Establish a Gawker account and use it to log in instead of Twitter.
Try f.lux. It may help by matching your screen to your lighting. I use it at home to adjust according to time of day and it definitely helps: [stereopsis.com]
Google Voice with my landline. Which I had outbound calling disabled on. Had to keep the landline because out here in the sticks, it's the only way to get broadband (yes, puny DSL, but it's all that is available). I can't originate a call from the landline, but can receive calls which works just fine with GV.
Dang. I really like their printers.
I've learned not to work so damn hard based on a promise. If it ain't in writing, I ain't interested.
I use 2-3 family size teabags of Luzianne tea and hot tap water. Works like a charm, nice, smooth taste.
It freaks me out. Makes me feel like a puppet on a string. Whenever it happens to me, I very deliberately break away from the expected behavior.
I have the same issue. It helps to get up every day at the same time, preferably before 7. Lately, I've been taking a sleep aid at 9 am to make me drowsy. Sometimes it helps, sometimes not. Also, don't eat or work out within 2 hours of bedtime.
Uh, bungee cord?
Functional? Yes. Crappy looking to the point of being shunned by civilized people? You betcha.
Believe me, I tried that. Like I said in my OP, I've had cats for 20+ years and have tried everything out there but those ridiculous automated contraptions that cost a couple hundred bucks. But the lid on the Clever Cat does a superb job at cleaning kitteh paws. I bit my lip and went for this box and have not…
You know what? When a cop walks up, you stop doing whatever it was that drew his attention. And if you see him reaching for something, anything, you stop and hit the ground. If your attacker decides to take another swing, he'll be the one getting tazed or shot or hit.