In order to do that, you have to grant them the ability to extract money from your account, something that I will not do. Using my bank's automated billing, I have full control. Think of it as a DIY balanced payment plan, but more Lifehackery.
In order to do that, you have to grant them the ability to extract money from your account, something that I will not do. Using my bank's automated billing, I have full control. Think of it as a DIY balanced payment plan, but more Lifehackery.
I did something similar, but I pay all bills this way. When, for instance, my electric bill is low, I carry a credit balance with the electric company. When the bill spikes (as it is about to do since the temperature is in the 90's here), that credit balance gets drawn down. I pay the same amount every week, no matter…
Hope you don't live in a humid climate.
There's a credit union here that has a coin counting machine in the lobby, just like a CoinStar, but it's free for members and a very small charge for non-members. (better deal than CoinStar) For those in North Carolina, check out your local State Employees Credit Union. #tips
Did you read this in that two paragraph article: "The only thing missing from the mobile site right now: You can read comments, but you can't yet make them."
Hi nfleck1. I am a regular Lifehacker reader. One of the things that I do every week is volunteer for 2 hours at a senior center, teaching elderly people how to do things like this. In fact, about 20 minutes ago I got a call from one of my people wanting help with this very thing. Since the average LH reader is…
You typically have to go through the TOS each day, not necessarily every 6 hours. Some places have multiple day options, just read the sign on screen for that option.
I know this is a bit late, but in the future, have your friend print his contact information on a piece of paper, along with a note that "This bicycle may have been stolen!", roll it up and stick it up inside the seat tube. #tips
Buy at least a $70 tire and you will be fine. Anything that costs less will be loud. I get mine at WalMart but any good tire store will do.
There was probably wireless available, but yes, this is common in hotels nowadays. The tabs on ethernet cords don't last long. When I travel, I bring my own. When you are in a hotel full of people jumping on the web at the same time, things will most likely slow down. Not much you can do about that.
No mountain bikes?
Read this: []
Nice! I volunteer a couple of hours every week at a senior center teaching them how to use the laptop that their kids talked them into buying. This will be great to show them. The little things that we all take for granted are like an entire alien language to these folks.
Y'all are repeating yourselves: []
This is a great place to get a feel for the markets: []
I had a truck like that once. I pulled a best guess estimate of the value off of or and taped that in the window with a note on it, "Or best offer". Then, stuck it in the front yard. It sold in about 3 days for a decent price. I have regretted it ever since. I miss my truck. I guess craigslist…
Yep. It's at least a one hour round trip to do much of anything. Gets old. It's at least part of the reason why I spend too much time on the intertubes.
Yup. Some of them even have teeth.
I've been living out in the boonies for about 6 years now. Nearest decent restaurant/bar/theater is about 22 miles away though there is a small town very close with a decent grocery store and a roadside fruit stand just walking distance away. It certainly has its charms, but I am ready to move closer in now. My cost…