Evidently, I have to comment to promote. My daughter used to run cross country and did this and it worked like a charm.
Evidently, I have to comment to promote. My daughter used to run cross country and did this and it worked like a charm.
Find a hobby of some sort, something that you can lose yourself in, preferably physical. Not necessarily exercise, because that may be a problem with your illnesses, but build something or paint or doodle or whatever. Just so long as it requires moving more than your eyeballs and preoccupies you. Of course, if you are…
Lifehacker, you can be uncannily timely sometimes. I went to help my mother get ready for a move last weekend and here are the results, summed up in her email to the moving company (names and locations removed):
Did you read the article?
You know, I just set up my Voice app on my Android phone to give me the option to place the call with or without Voice. Problem solved.
American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Anything by Gaiman, for that matter. Terrific stuff.
Maybe what they really have is Assberger's.
Nope. Go into Mail Settings, Accounts and Import, Send Mail as and make the appropriate changes. You can even set up a separate sig line for the different accoutns.
Took about three minutes.
I have three Gmail accounts. I set two of them to forward everything to my primary account then in the primary, I used Multiple Inbox to set up an inbox for each account. I set up some filters to automatically label the mail from the other accounts, so that Multiple Inbox will sort accordingly.
529 plans are the best, but more important is that you start now. Also, may be beneficial for a grandparent to open the 529 for the little one. Apparently, that way, the funds in the 529 will not count as your assets. More here: [www.fatwallet.com]
Perfect for you, maybe. It's for a hard-boiled egg, not a soft-boiled egg.
Put the eggs in the pot, cover generously with water, bring to a boil for about a minute, cover and remove from heat. Wait 20 minutes and run cold tapwater into the pot until you can reach in a take the eggs out without burning yourself.
Clinton's crime was not getting head, it was perjuring himself and obstructing justice in the Paula Jones affair. There is no doubt he did that. People tend to conflate the facts of the perjury with the Lewinsky affair because they all happened at once.:
There is exactly zero chance that she will be elected President. Zero. And Clinton's lie was far bigger and involved perjury while serving as an elected official. Palin has not committed perjury.
Dude, no need to get assholish about it, it's not like I was insulting your love of Twitter. I installed it and made no changes and it will not post without my location. I can find no setting inside the app to change that. Asshole.
I'm trying to figure out the national security implications of "Who's your daddy?" I keep coming up empty. There are two things about Palin that I cannot understand:
Twitter app won't even work unless you enable GPS. WTF?
I checked, it is, I'm out.