
@Hello! My name is Anonymous: I drive probably 50,000 miles a year and have done so for years. I have learned over time to just let it go; it only stresses you and wears you out. If you see someone fussing with a laptop or whatever, put some space between you and them and let it go.

@A Magician Named Gob: That wasn't a reference to starvation, though that is a fair comparison. Bad cell service is strictly a modern problem, and a trivial one at that.

@Abarnum: I listen. You have no sense of perspective.

@strob: Not a problem. Maybe you do not fully appreciate how cushy your life is when you think that this is a real problem.

@Abarnum: Ummm, maybe, as some have suggested, the phone was an issue all along and AT&T simply took the heat so that Stevie wouldn't get his undies in a bunch.

@Abarnum: Like I said, we are a bunch of whiners. This is not a real problem and likely not even solely AT&T's problem.

Will it suck the farts out of the seat cushions?

That video pretty much says it all. We are a nation of whiners, people who think that this is a real problem. And most likely, it's the phone that is the problem, not AT&T.

@stian.oien: Because Apple doesn't make anything that isn't perfect.

@popennell: Doesn't matter to me if it was intentional or not. And for the record, I do not think that Wikileaks was an intentional leak.

Wasn't Google building a web-based print driver service? Or is that only for the Chrome OS?