Trust the same outfit that let all that info get out to Wikileaks? No. Not now, not ever.
Trust the same outfit that let all that info get out to Wikileaks? No. Not now, not ever.
"We're from the government and we're here to help." Shyeah.
@veronykah: More room in general. I'm 6'2", 240 pounds and very wide in the shoulders. Once, I found myself stuck in the middle seat and I was the smallest guy in that row. We all had to sit a little sideways to fit. It was miserable, but thankfully a short flight.
Hard to answer. They are all excellent for their particular niche. I usually start with the Goog, though.
@hoverking: My now ex-wife would pull in to wherever we were to meet and immediately call me to find out why I wasn't there before her. If I told her I was running late, I would catch it for making her wait.
Tell 'em to call you when they get to the meeting spot.
@kettlewhistle: Leather is better, it conforms to your feet. Let 'em breathe and dry out every day. But, you're still gonna need this stuff sooner or later:
@tovar619: Probably so, but far better than any mobile situation.
Gotta tell ya, having the words "Mobile" and "Personal Finance" in the same sentence gives me the heebie-jeebies. I've never been 100% confident that mobile anything is adequately secure, so I have limited all personal finance activity to my landline-based home PC.
Sooo.....I'm a mutant then? My power is the ability to smell "odorous metabolites"?
Back in the day, I had a Golden Eagle CJ-5. Perfect. First, lock the hubs and head out into the middle of the desert, top down if it's warm enough. Prop her up in the back seat, use the front seats for, uh, support. Make sure the parking brake is fully set. Good to go.
@Gonzie: I always used the lotion.
@screaminscott: Nope. I've used it and it works, though not for very long.
Avon Skin-So-Soft is a decent mosquito repellent. Has been for a long time.
@Cpryd001: That LA Times link above is an excellent place to start. It's like Investing 101, from the ground up. The main thing is to get started now, especially if you are young. Time is your biggest ally in this, not stock tips or special business knowledge. Just get in and stay in. Do not expect a smooth…
I went to one of those make-your-own-barcode sites and made some barcodes which I then printed onto some Avery label stock. Stuck 'em on a 3x5 card that I fold and put in my wallet. Done.
@oshioshi: You don't save anything, you just don't pay the penalty price for not having one.
@AlexJAnder: NOT investing is the bigger risk. Unless you are willing to spend at least one hour per week, per stock owned, stay away from owning stocks directly. Instead, use mutual funds. Sign up for that 401(k) right now. If a Roth 401(k) is available, go for that option.
@wonderwoahman: +1
@v5point0: Sorry, I'm not a mobile user, so can't answer your question about html5 offline access.