
My Mom or Dad would sit down in that car, take one look at that panel and get out. Too many controls.

@Tim Gee: Tim, the " usual churn of residents between population centres" is called migration. It has gone on since living beings began to walk the earth, human or animal. There is nothing unusual about it at all.

@Tim Gee: What do you mean we aren't nomads?!?! Prior to our current economic meltdown, places like Las Vegas and Phoenix were on the receiving end of swarms of people moving in because they believed life would be better there. See here: [www.marginalrevolution.com]

@gybryant: Careful, if you don't cry out for Gaia, you will be shunned!

@chicken.triscuits: CT, thanks for your reasonable response, which, surprisingly, has been the rule in this little discussion. Usually I get flamed.

@chicken.triscuits: Would I rather see us get our energy from other, cleaner sources? Sure. But it will never happen until those sources are competitive with fossil fuels in terms of energy density and price. Einstein says none of the current alternatives, except nuclear, will work. Here, read this: [www.energytr

@pierrebuz: Migration has always been one of man's greatest adaptations. We go where conditions are favorable. Nothing new there.

@Tim Gee: How do you know that it won't be arable? What do you base that on?

@chicken.triscuits: Correct. I believe that burning fossil fuels may have an effect on climate. Just as you say.

@Tim Gee: I understand that they don't over-fish to feed themselves. If they had more land available, instead of it being under ice, they could grow more of their own food LOCALLY (and isn't that the most virtuous preference) instead of importing it. Maybe some of those commercial fishermen would buy some land and

@Tim Gee: Maybe if they had more arable land, they wouldn't have to over-fish. Maybe they would be able to sell wheat instead.

I've said it before, and I'm saying it again. To believe that the climate is changing for the worse is to believe that the climate that has existed in one's own miserably short lifespan is somehow the ideal climate and that it should never change.

@Crowdy: Smugs. Good name for them.

Copper, schmopper. It's a sharp lookin' phone.

I'd go for Big Sexy, the Droid X. Although, I picked up a Samsung Captivate today and I was.....captivated. Nice phone.

@Ian Logsdon: Reform patent laws how? Aren't companies and individuals entitled to benefit from their labor and for taking a risk? Or should they just invent stuff and give it away?

This looks like it is aimed squarely at the hipster market. They can have it.