
@mkrueger.isu: One word: Microwave. Just don't put a metal zipper in there.

I would throw TabRocket into the mix. I have a Linux box and a Windows box and whenever, for instance, I find something I want for my Windows machine but I am using my Linux machine, I just use TabRocket to open the tab in my other machine, regardless of where I am. It serves as a "To Do" reminder for me. I use it

@valladolid: Another alternative is a dollop of plain yogurt. Tastes better than you think. A lot like sour cream.

@DavinClytias: @slipdisc: as dcelzinga points out above, it has both definitions, as here:

A "moot point" is one that has been settled and needs no further debate.

@dlinkwit27: In the words of the late George Carlin: "What's the difference? Either the damn thing flams or it doesn't!"

@Smashaga: Neither. The correct phrase is "food chute".

I submitted a correction the other day on Giz, I think, for "chochky". Correct spelling is "tschotchky". Admittedly, not common or easy to spell.

My sister in Denver came home one day a few weeks ago to find the fire department all over her house. A gas line had snapped off at the meter and since it was right next to her air conditioner, a lot of the gas got sucked into her house. Fortunately, a neighbor smelled the gas and no one was hurt. Apparently this

@Ptahbaphomet: Almost as effective at raising revenue as those g d red light cameras. They exist for no other reason than to raise revenue.

Best fax service would be Gfax, integrated into Gmail. If it existed. Since it doesn't, I used these guys the other day and it worked just fine: [www.gotfreefax.com]

@Jeremiah Hendon: They all came right out of the same pile off the same table. Way too long ago to remember the style. The waist is what differed from one to the next. Couldn't put some of them on and got lost in some others.

Don't give that "monkey" any water after midnight.

If you are going to do this, go very low. You need to go low enough to generate a huge amount of interest and bring in multiple offers.

It's a fin, because those things were prolly fast enough to chase down a cheetah and they needed the fin to turn at speed.