
@Romple: That can be misleading. Any one writing for the general public knows that you should write to about an 8th grade level.

Damned interesting. Turns out, I have more in common with Asian guys than my South Carolina-born white guy reality.

How about a similar list for networking, LH? #tips

@mobgma: That's about my ratio.

Buying some Levi's once in a Sears store. All said 36". I'm sure some were 32" and others were 42". Finally just gave up and walked out.

That same guy must have narrated every single school movie or documentary made prior to about 1970.

@sn1per: Lots of good suggestions here. Surprised that an aerobics class was left out. Pretty much anything that gets you moving, just do it fast enough to get your heartrate up to about 80% of maximum and keeps it there for a while. Use this: [www.mayoclinic.com]

@TehBeardMan: We used to go and get the hottest Mexican food we could find and sweat it out. Of course, I used to live in New Mexico right where most chile is grown, so we had access to some primo chile.


Shovelglove workout is killer. Been doing that for a while now. 15 minutes of that will hammer you.

@Tony Kaye: Those big ol' Broncos were nice, but I meant one of these. Nimble little trucks, better than a Jeep ever thought of being. When I was growing up we had a 1970 Blazer, which was a great truck, too. It had a positrac rear end and that alone was almost as good as 4WD.

@Tony Kaye: Hey, don't knock 'em! Lots of torque and will go anywhere. I saw one at the grocery store tonight that had been completely tricked up. Sat about 4 feet off the ground, not easy to do with a Scout. Old school Broncos were nearly as tough.

Dude, you don't want a Land Rover. Get a Toyota FJ. More reliable and even more universally available. Land Rovers are British, fer Chrissake!

@EroThraX: That's what I was thinking. Wavish.

@Ben Longo: Ok, ok, ok. It's, "...youkillmyfather." All one word, especially when they're fighting

@rabid chipmunk: OK, I am postulating the Green Corollary to Godwin's Law:

@avatar003: So all those people who have lost their lives and their limbs serve no other purpose? Ass.