
@mrgibblechip: That default decision they keep making keeps getting them into trouble. They're supposed to be smart; you'd think they would figure that out.

Dude, a paragraph should have more than one sentence in it. Frickin' hard to read.

@bdgbill: bdgbill, you pretty much nailed it. It is very difficult to draw the line. At one point, I was very good at stopping at a given time. I made sure that when the workday was over, I physically left my work behind by shutting down the PC and closing the door to my office, as though leaving a regular office.

@sdn: The problem isn't the price, it's that you don't place a high enough value on the music to pay the asking price for it. So buy the ones you really value and forego the rest and regret nothing. That's what pricing does, it forces a choice.

It's been years since I've been through there, but Memphis used to have great local food; BBQ, Soul Food, etc.

@bmj2728: No, I understand that. What I don't understand (though I think I do, if the marketing douche is reading this) is why is there only a very low option and a very high option?

@Condalmo: Well, you know, you're quoting me there, not the AT&T announcement. I didn't exactly quote them verbatim. You know.

@flying_chairs: Given that, in the end, Apple is a business and a person starts a business to make money, you'd have to say that Gates wins on that one. I mean, he's spent most of a decade as the Richest Man in the World. Of course, Jobs isn't exactly a pauper.

@Ashaleeeee: Well, yeah. Still, I would bet that at $15 they could sell it to more people who may, from time to time drift over into the next GB, thus making AT&T more $$.

@Oranges w/ Cheese has 2 cats! ahahaha.: Left out of the LH story is that AT&T says the $25 plan will accommodate 98% of their current customers and, I believe, this plan is only for new customers, not existing.

@dantheman12: Once the blisters form, not much you can do but endure. I used to get this a lot back in my mountain biking days and had some pretty severe cases, so learned through trial and error and a couple of doctor visits.

@pvcrisp: Yeah, North Carolina. Sandy soil, centipede grass. It's slow growing, so recovery can be slow. It's a coarse grass and most people down here cut it much too short and it thins out badly since it grows so slowly. It will never be as pretty as a good fescue or bluegrass, but it is what grows best down here

There is a fine line between a troll and someone who is challenging your perception with a reasoned, if discomforting, argument. Not a whole lot of trollin' here at LH, but over on Giz.....well, they are abundant.

@TheFu: Mulched grass does not cause thatch. Hard, compacted soil does. Aerate and amend as needed by adding a layer of sand to the soil. The sand will drop into the aeration holes and eventually mix into the soil.

@jackburnt: Probably dandelions. Get a hockey stick, put an old tube sock over it. Stretch it tightly and then soak the last inch or so with some Roundup. Walk around and paint the leaves of the plant with the Roundup. Let it dry and then cut it. Repeat as needed as new weeds appear. Each time, there will be

@wickedcupofjoe: Dog urine is very salty. You have to amend that soil, too, and then keep Bowser away. Here's a trick I saw being used at a kennel. In the back of each pen, they had placed an old Clorox bottle. When I asked why, they said that the dog will pee on that and then continue to use it since he has