
@Terry: Let me show you how to rewrite that first sentence without being an a$$hole:

@Terrence Russell Adams: Those red ones are CRIMSON, buddy! And if a bunch of 'em pop open on you all at the same time, that is a CRIMSON TIDE!

@Smoke.x365: Umm, actually, Cingular bought AT&T. They dropped the Cingular name and used AT&T because, they said, it is recognized globally. It's essentially the same provider you're had all along.

did her, did her, did her, did her.....

@TheFu: The mousepad?

@twoeightnine: But if I do that, then I won't be able to see the TV from my couch.

Y'all don't understand. Whenever there is even a hint of snow or ice down here in the south (no, I'm not in Alabamastan) the TV stations go into hyper overdrive, pre-empting everything, running crawls, school closings over and over and over and they keep doing it until all the snow melts.

A glossary. Definitely a glossary.

Multiple YT vids available:

In the voice of Ivan Drago: "I must break you."

Is that Rachel Uchitel back there, with her head bobbing?

@Torchwood: Ditto on Toastmasters. No better way to learn to speak in public. Even if you do not speak in public, it is worth doing. They now have two areas they develop people into, Public Speaking and Leadership skills. And you can't beat the price.

@Prairie Moon: I'll bet anything that many have entire bookshelves devoted to speaking in public without teleprompters.

NO! They suck! The data cannot possibly be more accurate than overly emotional iPhone owners!

@SJRNWT: A physical therapist once told me that you should get up at least once an hour and move around, even if you only walk around the room.

Casting a primary vote for Wave. It will be the one to beat, eventually. Now if I can just find something to collaborate with someone about.

@VagrantRadio: NY + SF x trendoids present+constant access to download fart app=heavier network load than anyone ever expected...critical mass of trendoids=priority capital spent in NY + SF for best ROI instead of Grand Rapids.

@VagrantRadio: Or could it be that the iPhone has issues? I mean, is it really the Most Perfect Device Ever Created by Man and Jobs?

@vlatro: Dang, I wish I had checked back in here sooner, but will post a reply anyway.