@Bonsai_halcyon: Been dealing with this situation for all of my adult life. My parents are divorced, my ex-wife's are together, until recently ours was the only grandchild. Having the kid in the mix only increases the pressure that they will apply to you. Here is how I handled it:
@eaglesfan: Write it through CutePDF maybe?
Drug stores. They get something nearly every day and they are always good for lots of boxes. Also, have found discarded shelving that is now in place in my barn and is ideal for holding tools, oil, yard chemicals, etc. Always my first stop and then off to the nearest dollar store.
You must have gotten a pop up while you were writing that headline.
@jaybirdfive: Does that mean Melissa is the Miller's Wife? Hmmmm....is she gat-toothed? Gotta find a picture.
@Billy_McSkintos: I dunno—how 'bout 2 lane road vs. 8 lanes? The non-techies don't really care about this, do they? Unless they read about it in the Sunday flyer.
@jupiterthunder: My first question is usually, "What's on your screen right now?" And after they tell me the Start button is there, I can narrow it down pretty quickly.
@SamburgerHandwich: No, not interested in an upgrade. Just want to write a few .tmp files.
@NickBomb: Prolly. It still makes me shake my head. I never even got to offer an explanation.
My mom was complaining recently about how slow her computer was. A little more discussion and I figured out that the PC was fine, it was an old version of IE that was the problem. I walked her through downloading and setting up Chrome, only explaining that it would be faster and she would like it. She was amazed…
I was going with the LHC, just before we all died.
Hulu for magazines? Isn't that what RSS readers are for? Will Humag somehow make the stories magazinier?
Been in sales most of my life. Most people haven't the slightest idea how to negotiate, let alone do so honestly. Most people begin with the notion that the sales person is going to rip them off and then go from there. I highly recommend "Let's Get Real or Let's Not Play" by Mahan Khalsa, for both buyers and…
Wow, it looks like the nerdiverse is Wave-saturated.
I have 6 for the first to prostrate yourselves :)
Just had a family member pick up the bogus virus warning last night, after having this discussion with her umpteen times. . Nice job on the guide! Sending it around now!
I just got it, so haven't really tried it, but is seems clear that Google Wave will be a very powerful outlining tool one day (hopefully soon!).
Ninjawords. That's all you need.
What's really dumb is when someone replies to a company-wide email and then mistakenly hits Reply All. Inevitably, someone else will hit Reply All telling them to stop using Reply All. Must kill the servers.