Holla Backyo

which does he have, 40 kids or a piss-poor divorce lawyer? i suppose i don't feel so bad for the guy for blowing all his wealth, that's just him managing his money badly. and with $800k in child support, he certainly wasn't managing his worm - heh - very well either. but how practical are support requirements when a

please tell me how you think that current EEO laws do affect facebook, as nothing in your reply makes that case. ALL hiring and employment practices are discriminatory and that is perfectly legal. EEO rules only protect against discrimination on certain terms or of protected classes. there's nothing in what you've

prosecuted for what? having read the post, it's printed pretty clearly that the FED is trying to determine if there is a basis for prosecution at all. absent that, no problems are solved and any threats made 'for future reference' would be a waste of both tax revenue and hot air.

he would've liked to have seen montana.

writers are biased, which is not a bad thing. commenters are biased, which is not a bad thing. but a fair percentage of both can be immature idiots, which is a bad thing.

i'm actually impressed that the author restrained himself from pointing out Capps' party affiliation, which would have just led to a flurry of derision from the opposition. i'm also surprised to find no one in the comments below go to the effort of researching and pointing out that affiliation, just to make the jokes

Wasn't it just a few years ago that ksk offered a $10 bounty on Tom Brady? Clearly fans are a bad influence on violent sports.

probably has less to do with hype than simple awareness. for the short-attention-span audience that's gonna drive 'lorax' this weekend (read: little kids), it's a reminder that those characters exist. the second movie is gonna have it's own crowd that was in the process of being born when the first one came out,

i agree with you in principle and it's awesome that the military is scaling back a bit from the 'let's blow up the whole planet' approach. but it would be nice if we could fine-tune the economics so we weren't bankrupting ourselves along the way.

every election cycle. by the dicks themselves.

wow, these comments need to be read by every cell service provider, everywhere. if this post were about circumventing restrictions on an at&t device, the crowd would be going wild with cheers. amazon has got to be doing something seriously right that people would respect them too much to want to take advantage of them.

statistics is a very fuzzy science indeed. i didn't know there was anything that could be multiplied by zero that would result in 120.

"i would've liked to've seen wyoming..."?

hm, and right you are. well played. suppose i need to get in the habit of going with the 'view all threads' option, it's easier to avoid the starred elitists that way.

no way am i gonna comment in the 'men are assholes' thread- that's a conversation i would stay on the other side of the party from if i had a choice. never get involved in a land war in asia, and never think that some troll (or starred troll that would take the bait) who's opening statement is that you're an asshole

i dunno, made perfect sense to me. i didn't read the review as saying there was any mystery to how or why the car got tagged, just that the reviewer had a problem with the act being done in broad daylight with no apparent consequences whatsoever, hence the suggestion that emma return her badge. i read an

pursuing the stuff that sounds insane is what turns up the stuff that changes the world. have you ever gotten an x-ray? send your thank-you card to the folks that were looking for something else entirely and happened to stumble upon something that changed medical technology and saves lives. and to be clear, things

laurie berkner. the music's not that bad, and she's not too hard to look at.

i kept waiting to see one of those flying squirrels snag a toe on one of those treetops. awesome, utter madness.

wow, that was a suprisingly mature call by their pr department. don't engage in a pissing contest, just take the high road and make the opposition appear low and petty by comparison. good on them.