Holla Backyo

aurora and solaria were both doomed to extinction or marginalization. maybe it's better to be earth after all.

may be a dick move, but they're doing what people have been telling them to do for years. desktop windows was crippled for years with the ongoing and increasingly useless legacy support. had they cut that cord years earlier, everyone would have been screaming "dick move!" but the product could be generations beyond

...why? so they can try to sway you? would be a waste of their time and effort, considering your conviction that the OS that runs it is crapware. on the other hand, if they 'whole-sale copied apple' and came up with something 'garbage and ugly', perhaps they should consider a new muse. or perhaps you might consider

also in intel's development pipeline: the fruity oaty bar.

also on the recommended reading list- asimov's 'end of eternity' and thomas mullen's 'the revisionists'. neither are perfect, but there are some interesting ideas.

i'm really, really hoping that no one is actually buying the chemical engineering bit. i've typed out three different ways of explaining how the math makes no sense, but deleted each because it simply makes no sense to go into so much detail over something that makes no sense to begin with. 150 times lighter than

with a red-band trailer, i'm now curious to see what the finished product will be rated. the geek crowd will want to see this anyway. if they're going for a pg-13 to bring in the money, you'd think the bait-and-switch of an r-rated trailer for a watered-down finished product would just be irritating to the manly-man

boo f-ing hoo. come to north korea. all hail our beloved benevolent leader.

holy crap! in 20+ years, this is the first evidence i've seen that there was an element of that production that shatner most definitively got right. the ugly blemish on his rep is from this point forward a little less splotchy.

every comment here that is NOT about the splitting of the elusive beer atom should be ashamed of itself.

how quaint it must've been to've lived in a society that tried to educate the simpler masses without beginning from the assumption that 'scientists' were commie crackpots.

wow, early votes are against the guy, not the airline.

that's a terrible thing to do to a 'far side' cartoon that was already the pinnacle of artistic excellence.

a few things though- i never said you have the right to buy anything you want. i never said anything about buying anything at all. what i was saying was that until there is some law that specifically prevents it, you have the right to download anything that is made accessible to you, and for the time being it's the

actually, no. what's not enumerated in the constitution or federal/state statutes is not off-limits, it's simply unregulated. it would be more accurate to say that yes, customers who purchase that internet service have the right to any data they want to pull down. unfortunately, providers also have the right to be

good to know. i've worked with nec and christie projectors, connected to dolby and gdc servers. haven't had a chance to play with sony hardware yet.

yes yes, the lolwuts from the experts are all very insightful. a few things to keep in mind, as the author is a little fuzzy on some elements of reality.

"...who are in archaeological circles normally thought of as a species of monkey capable of imitating human speech?" you're right, that is disturbing. good thing the work was researched and presented by archaeologists and not self-righteous race-baiting trolls.

darn it, i wanted to see what they'd do to red once they finally caught the bastard, but it faded out just when things were about to get good.

not that you don't have a valid point to make, but in this instance it's pure nonsense. the dog is leashed, but at the corner of the machine not to the bumper of a car. if it wanted off, there's enough play for it to move off the belt entirely.