Holla Backyo

not really, i just have this weird tendency to read the words on the page, rather than the imaginary ones on the lines in between. for example: "...when did Giz start posting political articles..." or "Leave the political commentary to your sister site...", neither of which are a commentary on science.

i've read thru gizmodo's copy four times now, and all i see are mentions of animal extinctions. i had to read the comments to see politics. methinks thou doth protest too much, dude. insecure much?

@Stueymon: it's the breathing apparatus and the mask that provide the voice. without that, it's just a spoiled crybaby with a bruised ego doing the talking.

@drspockforever2: as a younger father (also of a daughter), i didn't get the vibe that this guy is so heated up that he needs to cool down. i get the vibe that he wants to see he whole picture as clearly as possible, so that he can raise not just the best girl, but the best person he can.

if greenpeace really wanted to grab some attention, they wouldn't include that scale. are they warning nearby snow that it might melt?

@VYCanisMajoris: i have no interest in respecting you and i honestly don't give a rat's ass if you respect me. if your (or anyone's) definition of a "smart joke" encompasses making light of invention at the expense of the deaths of innocents, then good for you.

@VYCanisMajoris: NASA came up with the requirements and awarded the design contracts based on spec. northrup grumman came up with the design you're mocking, and there's no guarantee that any of the three proposals will make it to an actual build phase.

@Apotheosis: you've listed 4 players that have led more head-first assaults into planet earth than the combined total of everyone who will ever read this site, multiplied by whatever factor you choose.

guess i'm gonna have to buy the white album again.

ah, statistics. only as accurate as your pool of data, which unfortunately at moment doesn't include the orbital paths of every asteroid in existence.

@Rubén Megido Sánchez: "i'm sorry, dave- have i given you some reason to lose confidence in the ship's hibernation systems? you know i have the utmost interest in helping this mission to succeed."

a near-extinction event would be a great motivator for some to find and exploit some mechanism for survival. for others it would be a great motivator to buy nikes, purple sheets, and the "special" kool-aid. for others it would simply be just another ploy in the ongoing vast right-/left-wing conspiracy to get people to

proof that even great artists can sometimes produce crap.

@Shai_Hulud: ah, i had the dumb. for some reason i was thinking cumulatively.

@Shai_Hulud: I think most of that's actually the '04 Indian Ocean tsunami- I don't know that Haiti figures are included. If they were, it would have to be a much wider chart.

@anitesh.jaswal: one line in an otherwise thorough introductory article is harping?

6. Start a campaign to move the show to a network that CARES about quality, thought-provoking science fiction, like Sy-

i would never go so far as to call my parents friends, but i'm old enough to have a solid understanding of the fact that they're kinda-sorta people too, and i'm long past worrying about being judged by them, so whatever. if they see something that shocks them, that's their fault for looking- they shouldn't have raised

back in '91 i drove an '87 integra into a freeway sound wall head-on at upwards of 40mph. there's a gap in my memory that starts about a minute before the accident and ends when i woke up in the hospital, a day and a half later. i saw the car about a week later at a junkyard, it was shorter than stock by more than a

@mjk12: they didn't read all the emails? scandalous! EVERYONE knows that emails don't lie. just think of all the billions they've overlooked from nigeria that could've been used to solve this whole silly impending doom nonsense thing.