
What? You don't like the endless "If only you knew what I know, you'd be angry too"s? How about Flynn just tells her WTF Rittenhouse is. (And surely I can't be the only one who sees Margaret Dumont quietly running the world every time Rittenhouse is mentioned.)

McKinnon is Wiig's one-note playing honed down to its quantum level. I find she has all the range of a fire hydrant, but YMMV.

Well, on the bright side, we got almost no McKinnon, either. Wiig may only be able to play one note, but between her and McKinnon, that's about 3/4ths of a note.

It's only appropriate that this Jim Gordon would have the dullest psychotic break imaginable.

You forget this comes from a guy who's found a foolproof disguise though a pair of glasses.

Thanks. How they became established in DC and as Americans is still a bit murky to me.

Has it ever been established that Phillip and Elizabeth are married? I mean, in the sense of having a ceremony rather than just having been introduced to each other and told they were playing a married couple. I just think the irony of Martha being Phillip's "real" wife (even if she's married to Clark) would be rich.

Just a thought; if all the breaches are closed and destroyed, how is Barry going to cross over to CBS and National City?

Boy, you're far more generous than I was. I thought this episode was irredeemably bad. It felt like either a parody of itself or an extended dream sequence that some moron was going to wake up from. The dog poop scene played to me like someone who saw that horrid rant from the first episode of "The Newsroom" and said,

Is anyone else getting a vibe (no pun intended) that Patty is a red herring and part of Zoom's plan?

With Wells gone, who's paying the bills to keep STAR Labs running? For that matter, who was paying when he was around?

He's also got a white circle in the Crisis newspaper story.

So Kenan's "speak(ing) loudly and mug(ging) to the camera" is to be criticized, but McKinnon's inability to do anything -but- speak loudly and mug to the camera is praiseworthy? Um. Yeah. Whatever.

The best part — among MANY — of this show ending is that we no longer have to watch Olivia Munn struggle to act like someone whose IQ is over room temperature.

Easily one of the best episodes of the season (admittedly, a very, very low bar) — though most of the sketches went way beyond the point of paying off.

You can keep McCullough. There's only one Mirror Master, and his name is Sam Scudder.

Other than having no appeal or charisma and a voice that is simultaneously nasal and throaty, Allyson is a black hole, as far as I'm concerned.

"Never been remade," except of course for the 1956 musical remake "You Can't Run Away From It." Suffice it to say, Jack Lemmon and June Allyson are no Gable and Colbert.

Unfortunately, I sat through the whole thing.

I did indeed watch all of it, and kept waiting for it to be something more than endless titles interspersed with snippets of genre parodies that were too short to have any substance or real comedic value.