
I kept hoping there'd be a moment when it all clicked, but it never did. Very disappointed.

I'm honestly happy for anyone who's enjoyed the show, but I've found it pretentious at best and tedious at worst. I'm out.

I hope we get a context for the East German teaser in episode 1.

I tried watching a few of the guest spots on YouTube and was astonished how two people who apparently had IQs above room temperature could devise something so aggressively unfunny. Their appearance on the Tony Awards just proved that those clips weren't a fluke.

How anyone could knock Spacey while praising the truly awful material from Mulaney and Kroll is baffling to me. And Midler's speech was windy and self-indulgent at best

I watched the whole damn thing, even though it lost me as early as the "Goodfellas" tracking shot. The whole thing felt like high school kids dressing up in wigs and "hippie" clothes. When even Robert Forster can't make material work, it's the fault of the writers, not the actors. I'm out.

I can't fault Dylan Baker, who's one of our best actors, playing Carson while trying to breathe life into material this stilted and stale. That the creators idea included playing on a first-time comic (or anyone) with "Johnny's Theme" shows the lack of creativity that went into this whole thing.

Someone should market the miracle drugs Nikki took to go from getting the crap beaten out of her to being up-and-at-'em in less than 48 hours.

Gordon the "least interesting" character on the show? Other than Alfred and Butch, that could apply to anyone.

Just give me Paul Reubens as Bat-Mite and Gilbert Gottfried as Mxy (the -real- Mxy), and I'll go home happy.

I don't see it. The way they're setting up Hatcher, someone — probably Flockhart (despite the preview) — is going to KO her.

I agree. Just because we didn't see these characters in the BB timeline doesn't mean they weren't living their lives off-screen.

Forget about Yorkin getting ahead of the train somehow; how do his clothes stay on? How does he eat or drink? How does he not just sink into the earth every time he takes a step?

You can try to defend him all you want, but Jerome remains the most irritating character in a show that is nothing but irritating characters.

You may be on to something; that phalanx of guards was on him incredibly quickly and was pretty darn big.

I've thought for a few weeks now that Fraser is a red herring and that it's Stabby McFrenchteacher he has to watch out for - especially now that he's wrecked her car.

And how far can Hannah's gun shoot that she was hundreds of yards from the window, but still hit it?

How many episodes before we find out Cole knocked up Alison again?

There was no question it was going to happen; it was just a matter of how close she'd get to wherever the hearings were being held. It had about as much suspense as a Weekly Reader crossword puzzle.

This whole hacker plotline is as odious as Goran Fizznik's plot in "Timeless:" "You need to know something that could change the course of the country - if not the world! But I'm not going to tell you! I'm just going to be cryptic and mysterious!"