Dave Sam


ehhhh i could care less.
Im done with spiderman movies. After the first 5 movies, i've seen it all

just google it

2 things.
Daryl is going to die.. the actor wants to move on to directing etc etc
and his initial response of killing neegan right off the bat just foreshadowed his death.

I give this episode a D…
worse episode of the season, wasn't funny at all… bring charlie back

The whole anika going crazy is so far fetched to me….
pure bullshi** writing

I always find it funny when the zombies come, people start to fall and trip lol

Can someone help me out…did the leader of alexeandria(the female) did she turn at the end when she was screaming??

indeed…. this is my house…

cuz it's my opinion… this show is little bit pg corny… i didn't ask you what you thought about it. since you felt the need to reply, i felt the need to reply with my 2 cents…
If your bedtime is at 9:00 pm, you're too young to be on this site.. get ready for algebra tmrw…
little kid who doesn't know sh**…. go watch

i do watch daredevil-great show.. if you don't want tragedy or violence…i suggest a show called power rangers… that might suit you better, since your bed time is 8:00 pm… loser

go watch jane the virgin

Like the show but hope it gets darker…too much pg for me

you need help homo

its called time pass…. wolfsbane doesn't affect alphas like betas…shit even derrick was able to withstand a room full of wolfsbane…..

i agree….. the girl dying didn't move me one bit

the characters you like wanted to leave the show to pursue other opportunities

Theo did the reanimation jutsu
this finale sucked
scott is weak as sh**, true alpha my ass…. seems like a true bit** if you ask me.
yay!!! finally a black character appeared the last 10 minutes

urban youths been shooting each other since the 30s

50 cent was shockingly good in this finale…best acting job yet… made me believe this dude was really kanan the villain