yea i think tommy will die…he is like the stringer bell of the wire
yea i think tommy will die…he is like the stringer bell of the wire
Mike and angela are basically in the same boat…both working for gangsters… happy they didnt kill off kanan(felt like it was too soon for his death)
and what was owen??
Another irrelevant episode
Danny is not returning……lmao
already been clarified..where the hell you been?
Second in the team trying to step up and gain more responsibility(besides tommy) whose father use to run shit and convinced his son to take out his former protege.= Jimmy
50 cent acting was actually good this episode
nahh he was more like jimmy
Does kira own a pair of pants???
Side note: the majority of Power fans are on facebook…always 300+ comments under each "caption/photo etc etc"
If the fans from facebook were aware of the reviews from av club i'm positive, we could be getting 100+ comments on here…
s3 already confirmed…season 2 premiere highest viewed show in starz history…….
take your "i'm white so i must be right" mentality somewhere else pale face
first ghost is basically the connect.he is management..he never does the dirty work just oversees the operation. so of course he has time, it's not like he's on the corners moving weight.
my soul is sunny
Not me
yea of course….
it's always a risk…
who is willing to risk it all?
he should of asked for proof of life…that's the point!!!
if they say no
he says no
If he knew she wasn't alive, their was no point in letting a psycho get out of jail.
That's the point…
any hostage situation; you always get proof of life before delivery. it's simple.
it's not about's about..GETTING PROOF SHE IS ALIVE!!!!
Not about over-powering them…
Elliot should have made sure she was ALIVE!!
you always make sure; the "hostage" is alive
he assumed gangsters would keep their word; that was his first mistake.
of course it matters.
The point is elliot should have asked for proof of life throughout the episode. If they don't show it; don't break isaac brother out of jail. Real simple