A Pimp Named DaveR

I think there is a slim, but reasonable, chance they legit didn’t know what was going on, if only because the abuse was apparently in the context of “medical treatment” by Nassar. If I’m a coach in a sport and I send an athlete to a medical professional for acute/ongoing treatment of an injury, I probably don’t give

Number ten: “Peaches”

Important unanswered question: can you play as Butters?

I agree. Or Me & Julio. Anything uptempo/doo-wop-y, of which there were plenty of examples in early Simon solo stuff.

I think it would make sense if they can spin the transfer fee into an A-list center back (van Dijk, maybe? Although he hasn’t exactly been lighting the league on fire this year...) and either a more solid option at wingback or some additional midfield support. IF Mane can stay healthy — and that’s a big if — then some

Yes, true dat. But I think this past summer was the first time there was actual interest in him from top-tier clubs — at least I don’t remember any serious pursuits two summers ago. (Everyone was after Vardy then...)

Two reasons:

I doubt they’ll be able to hold on to Mahrez and Vardy for much longer.

Excellent job, Gwen. I have to bump you down to an A-, though, because I don’t think “The Boxer” fits in the Baby Driver idiom at all. It’s a folk anthem, and Baby Driver is all uptempo pop and deep-cut soul. Too much of a mismatch for me. I’d have gone with an early Paul Simon track (the S&G “Baby Driver” is a bit of

It is cold, and there are (timber) wolves after him.

Extremely, penetratingly sad.

Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

It has all the charm of a Stalin-era gulag.

I had never considered that angle, but you’re absolutely right.

And calypso.

Executive producer credits aren’t union/guild regulated. Literally anyone you want can be listed as an EP; the title is at best a catch-all for someone who did something positive towards the film/show’s creation but doesn’t fit into one of the regulated categories, and at worst totally meaningless. I’m an executive

Are you implying that it was kind of a Bohr?

I get the feeling that Maroon 5 has no idea about a lot of things....

Fuck to the yes.

Just pointing out that there was no RoboBirdPerson after the post-credit tag in the first episode, either....