God, I love Darkplace. I wish they had done more episodes.
God, I love Darkplace. I wish they had done more episodes.
I do, but that’s because I’ve written more books than I’ve read.
So... The Zeroth Law is amended to be a robot must protect humanity except where such action would interfere with the Minus Oneth Law which is a robot must obey Copyright Law.
I understand that this show has to be different from the books and appreciate the tricks they’ve come up with to keep familiar faces involved across a long timeline. That’s all fine.
Baby Driver’s opening titles - “Harlem Shuffle” mixed with on point diegetic sound and visual knowing winks to the lyrics - is way better than Bellbottoms.
One thing I think is worth pointing out is the opening “news reel” voice over by Tom Kane.
Tom Kane has been part of Star Wars for many years, voicing not only Yoda in anything that didn’t have Frank Oz, but as the narrator to every Clone Wars episode, Admiral Yularen, and many others. He’s been voicing SW video game…
Yes! Bayer’s smile makes her a particularly delightful elf.
Man I just want someone to port Escape Velocity to mobile :(.
Way better than BSG
Coming soon, Tickle Me Herzog! It doesn’t laugh when you tickle it, though. It never laughs.
Werner Herzog is just going to spend his retirement bouncing between Disney projects and berating their directors, like: “Goofy is too pure for you fools!”, “Rocket Raccoon is a truth that none of you can face!!”, “You pigs have no faith in Fozzy Bear!!!”.
>> Cute Animals, But The Management Sucks
lmaooooo, who the fuck would wanna see this dumbass mov—
Right. Lying and gaslighting are not the same thing. Gaslighting can include lying, but it can also be much more than that. Lying is not even a necessary ingredient of gaslighting.
Once again, a soccer story that ends with no scoring.
there was legitimate criticism of jery and phoebe and how they bailed jared out time and again instead of having him face consequences for earlier actions. when you hear jery speak on this, or read his words, you are hearing only one side of the equation. jared was allowed to skate for years on bad behavior and,…
Aabsolutely not. I wish I could remember the name of the application, but in 1992 or -93 I used an application for Windows 3.0 where the UI consisted of rows of buttons with different geometric shapes, no text labels, this was well before "mouse hover" text was a thing, and no rhyme or reason to how the app functions…
To me, and many other Gran Turismo fans, it’s not about the number of cars or number of tracks. It’s about the complete lack of width.