I plan to live forever, and... so far, so good.
I plan to live forever, and... so far, so good.
The Chosen Again One
You’re married and you both work—you’ll each have your own W-4 and they will be different. Spouse #1 with higher paying job—claim MARRIED and all the allowances for the family. Spouse #2 with the lower paying job—claim MARRIED BUT WITHHOLD AT HIGHER SINGLE RATE, ZERO ALLOWANCES
It’s a crapshoot. Just do the best you can.
I was on Jeopardy (#humblebrag) way back in the day when both the shows had common back-office production people working on them, including some of the casting people. (I’m not sure if they do anymore.) And the answer is: yes. They do. Jeopardy contestants got their spots by taking the test and then getting pulled…
But he did leave with a lovely gift basket and his parking paid for, and.... hey, does anyone know if Derek Jeter is in Miami?
Get with the program — lazy stereotypes are the new thing in Trumpmerica.
I saw a street legal privately-owned HMMWV driving the other way on Santa Monica Boulevard one day back in the mid-90s when I lived on the West Side. There was a big beefy arm hanging out of the driver’s side.
UCLA 2016-17:
A soul that kind couldn’t stand to live in a world without Abe Vigoda....
Empire Strikes Back may have a claim on that title. Or Godfather Pt. 2.
That’s possible.... but I think it’s actually much simpler (and dumber). I think the combination of the pitch of the windshield and my particular seating position means that my breath has the optimal distribution over the windshield — so I’m actually fogging it up with my breathing. It’s relatively minor, and I…
You are right about Subie 4WD in the snow being a different kind of experience. I bought a Legacy (the 4, not the 6) last year. I had owned it for less than a week when I pulled a really sharp right turn on a bit of an icy road, and the rear end went out on me. But.... it was the oddest feeling — I knew that the…
I think it’s tough for boards to pull the trigger on experienced players in situations like this, because in doing so they would run a huge risk of getting relegated, and therefore having their budgetary capacity crushed, while having just brought on high-salaried players that are under contract for multiple years…
Well put, Tim. It’s a lazy term that means nothing.
Sexual intercourse affirmative!
The Winnipeg 49ers declined to comment.
Julien (who was not the problem in Boston; let’s get that cleared up) is an excellent coach, but there is a catch: he has his system, and if the players fit the system, great. If the players don’t fit the system, the team can still win, but they aren’t going to go deep in the playoffs. See: the Bruins.
I’d love to sit here and say “no, it’s really (professional courtesy / a scheming devious plan to thwart the enemy / Trump’s fault / something else)”.... but yeah, he did it to save a buck for sure.