Dave O'Connell

Guys, any headline that amounts to "Trump Stands Against Corporate CEOs" is a good one for Trump. CEOs weren't viewed as moral sages before the election. Nothing's changed since. This sort of thing will get you 8 years of Trump.

This list has been brought to you by a generous grant from a man named Generous Grant.

No, let them take their own cars.

Surprised to find someone making this argument in this sort of forum, but spot-on. I used to write and copy-edit, full-time, for newspapers, and the writers would often get lazy and defer to such biased organizations instead of doing the research. At worst, I was basically proof-reading press releases.

Suburban Seattle schools: Where "teaching" is, at best, the third-highest priority!

For your sake, I hope they don't ban Rage Type Against the Machine.

Remember young rappers, if you're going to beat the shit out of a woman or a gay guy in a rap song, make sure you also throw in some rhymes about removing Confederate statues to keep it wholesome!

Chupacabra: the hottest spot north of Havana!

Let's not forget the '70s. "People have completely forgotten that in 1972 we had over nineteen hundred domestic bombings in the United States." — Max Noel, FBI (ret.)

Forget Hollywood. Just put whoever makes those instructional videos they show in high school back to work. The liberal antifa thug who landed a whack at James Fields' car seconds before Fields fatally sped into the car/crowd (first pic link below) probably needs no help, besides psychiatric and (this goes for *anyone*

Which is funny, because even by the mid-90s, Disney characters still weren't allowed to point guns at each other in the comic books (one of Don Rosa's "Life and Times of Scrooge" stories was censored along these lines).

"Diversity matters…..unless a conservative woman is running to lead a country. Then she's a dude."

Already, CNN is correcting their story (shocker) to make clear that the samples were falsely labelled. I wonder if some of these artifacts were supposed to end up in that Museum of the Bible that is supposed to open in D.C. in November. (It's run by the family that owns HL, in case you were as confused as the author

Rewatched ep. 109 today, Boy does this line, uttered by Saul as he enters Chuck's house after winning a court battle to get back on to the Sandpiper premises, ache a bit when you know the ending of 310:

It also serves as a Breaking Bad tie-in. Walt had a scene where he enthused to Jr. about his favorite yacht rock bands, prompting a confused Jr. to wonder aloud what Boz Scaggs are.

I like how Randall panicked at the end and shoehorned that gratuitous Trump reference in. I used to consider myself a liberal, but I'm glad I'm not anymore. It sounds pathetically exhausting, what with the constant need to prove that there is never a moment when one doesn't hold Trump and his supporters.in contempt.

So liberals are too dumb to grasp the difference between cable networks and their parent TV company's over-the-air affiliates? Good to know.

"Rambling unchecked"? Did the reviewer even watch the episode? Their conversation was rather meta — a chat about being controversial, rather than a series of Milo monologues intermittently interrupted by Bill.

#Neverfjorget, am I right? Satire like that will never seem dated!

Will there be a cameo from his alter ego, El hombre de los moleculos?