Dave O'Connell

Business as usual for the most part, but with bonus Anna Diop in a towel coming out of the shower, so not bad at all.

Looks like they were going for the single-SNL episode record for most cross-gender impersonations last night (McKinnon as Bieber, McCarthy as Spicer, Stewart as Charlie, and Jones as Jackson). I've been watching SNL for more than three decades and can't recall a male side of the cast that has been so collectively weak

Doesn't look like Milo outed any UW student (she was already out and also no longer a student). From the Media Milwaukee story

If NBC needs a cake, I hear Grammer's in tight with the Best Friends Gang.

In one of the entries in Ken Levine's blog (he ran the show at one point), there's a short essay from the guy who did the music. From it, this line-by-line explanation:

PP had $383 million in assets in FY15. Quick, give before its too late! Then hit the theaters and help out that "imperiled" scrappy box-office underdog, "Rogue One."


When I was a kid, I always thought he was singing, "You had to be a big shot teacher."

Fatigue, despair, lavender oil bubble baths…these people need to grab life by the pussy.

I liked the juxtaposition of Meryl's words, which included a shot at fans of the majority-black NFL, with cutaways to such pale-faced actresses as Emma Stone and Amy Adams. That sure didn't undermine what you were saying about diversity at all!

It was an excellent ep. I wonder, though: Did they cut the Palin/Clinton sketch? There's a line in there that plays embarrassingly now that Trump has won the election.

I like to think they would've ditched the Hoobastank joke had anyone on staff been aware that Hitler and Stalin each won it twice before Merkle.

Also, the parody might work better if she stuck to the form of the original, instead of doing lazy things like trying to shoehorn 14 syllables onto an 11-note melodic phrase (the "letch" line).

To paraphrase Whose Line Is It Anyway, Fiona Apple and satire go together like Fiona Apple and satire.

One problem with Studio 60 is that it had the so-called comedians on the show reacting to the show-within-a-show's dire state melodramatically, instead of with gallows' humor, or something that might indicate they were, you know, doing comedy for a living.

The "just kidding" character eventually won me over simply on the sheer absurdity of asking a performer to pull off something so technically difficult in a live setting.

The guy in the FOX video isn't actually a Trump spokesman. But it is fun to get overexcited about non-existent policies of yet-to-happen presidencies! Whereas voting a week and half ago in larger numbers to head it off would've required standing in line and boredom and voting. And before that, registering.

Now that I think back a bit, had they not already done it last season, the H/Jeb duetting "I Can't Make You Love Me" premise would've worked last night as well. Plus, it would've been funny in a way treating H's electoral ineptitude as moment of solemnity on par with the destruction of the World Trade Center isn't.

The cold open fell flat. You can't spend several years portraying H as an insincere do-anything-to-get-elected, has-trouble-impersonating-human-behavior hack and then suddenly play her as poignant and inspiring and expect that to land. They should have taken the funny way out.

I noticed Alton had an earlier affidavit filed against him claiming that he resisted arrest by wrestling with a cop, during which a gun fell out of his pants. Any chance, seeing as the videos of this week's incident suddenly veer away from the subjects when the shots are fired, that maybe Alton hadn't quite shed that