
Still not sure why Carter had to break it off with Tess. All he knew was that their relationship didn't work when she was living in freaking Australia.

@txtphile: I'm pretty sure that Wil probably hates Wesley too. You ever read his reviews of the early ST:TNG episodes?

I'm not sure about having a shared universe for all the DC characters. There are just too many high-powered heroes for it to work. With beings like Superman, Wonder Woman, and The Flash around, there's no real need for a Batman style rich guy with toys hero.

@PJ Edwards: Avatar had a director who paid attention to detail and a script that at least managed to make sense.

@Jeff: The Iridium satellite constelation is in low Earth orbit at around 500 miles up. I suspect the problems with sat phones have more to do with handset limitations (size and power requirements) than with transmission speed.

So how are you able to tell the difference between a cardboard cutout and a character in Transformers 3?

I'll chime in with wondering why the focus is on Starship Troopers and not WH40K as the "...first (and most obvious) narrative antecedent...". Sure Troopers was first, but the Warhammer influence is so painfully obvious (and much stronger than that of Troopers), that you're left wondering why GW didn't let loose the

@shan164: I suspect it has to do with hiring real actors and using real special effects. Don't forget, that number works out to $34 million per movie, not including the trailers.

@KEPinion: The Fountain's problems were that it had interwoven and somewhat unclear plot lines, and that it was depressing as hell. Great movie though, and the soundtrack is killer.

@milesteg: Richard Kelly has seirous problems that somehow involve time travel and loss of an eye.

Hey SG:U, this is how you don't hit the reset button. Try it sometime.

@omgwtflolbbqbye: My theory is that Fox was putting effort into taking a dump on the franchise in order to mess with Marvel's creation of their own studio. It's weak, but it's all I can come up with to explain X3 and Wolverine.

You said awesome actors, but the article named Kevin Bacon and Jennifer Lawrence. I think you need to check the calibration of your adjectives.

@buzzkill007: He died a cool death, but the shot of the mass graveyard in the future was the real kick in the gut for me.

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: At least they realized that was a problem and brought in people to work on it. For some directors, a soulless, technically flashy movie is their goal.

@Michael_GR: Pratchett's death isn't that anthropomorphic. Given the choice between an almost emotionless skeleton or a friendly goth girl, it's an easy choice who I'd rather see when I croak.

@Arken: Seriously? I bought that, and it looks good, but the F/X are dated (though pretty damn good for the year), and the limitations the F/X imposed on the shots he could take in the movie are pretty severe. Not a fugly movie, but not the bestest ever.

@Jesse Astle: Watch what you wish for, they'll end up hiring Uwe Boll instead.

I'm really not caring about the X-Men prequel. The only characters from the three X-Men movies that were interesting enough to make me interested in seeing their backstory were Magneto, Wolverine, and the Professor.

@Megaera: They're looking to complete the relief wells by the end of this month. It's iffy if they will actually work though.