
@Asbestos_Underwear: Dunno about the product placement, but it made $500M worldwide, though it did lose money in the domestic market. Budget was $200M, which is a bit of a suprise for me.

It's funny how his quotes mention there being other movies in the series.

@gemetzel: If you needed the books to understand what was happening in either Harry Potter or LOTR, then you probably aren't the brightest bulb in the marquee.

@Shai_Hulud: And then have the drone threaten an invasion if the Emperor lost the game. That's kind of a crucial bit.

@jayrock423: If you can't score enough to overcome bad refs, then you shouldn't advance? Never mind that your opponent will have advanced exactly due to bad calls.

@CaptainSnarky: Nothing wrong with Lex as he has been shown in the comics and somewhat in the animated series. In the movies though, he's been reduced to a lame real estate scammer with a side order of comic relief.

@exwizard: It's an entertaining book. There were some elements involving Lex that I didn't buy.

I would have gone with a shorter list, you've included some real stinkers in there.

@The HZA.: Jurassic Bark. I'm rather glad that the actions in Bender's Big Score changed the way the end of that episode played out.

@SG-17: Saved it from what? It's not like they were going to bury the IP and never make another movie or show based on it.

This is the stupidest comment thread I've read in quite a while.

@Vexxarr: Warlords? We're talking about Morocco and Algeria, not Somalia or Liberia.

Extraction isn't the right word to use here, since solar energy isn't like other mineral or natural resource extraction projects.

The headline is a lie.

@CarrerCrytharis: So because its an adaptation of a cartoon, you think that means he'll write a good story? Did you hear about a movie called Jonah Hex?

@RenRen: You mean that the ref had a super secret angle that allowed him to see something that the upteen camera shots missed? And at the same time allowed him to not see the Slovenians getting solid handholds on the American jerseys?

@kagekiri: Prince Caspian did relatively poorly, but it still pulled in $441M (worldwide) on a $225M budget. Domestically it got it's ass handed to it though.

LW&W was OK, but Prince Caspian was a seriously weak movie. I'm not a big fan of Dawn Treader since it has one of the more ham fisted Christian scenes in the entire series (outside of Aslan's death and resurrection).

@djscruffy: Atlantis had that force field on theirs. Of course Destiny is a bajillion year old piece of crap compared to Atlantis.

At this point they need to get rid of Young somehow. The actor is good, and the character's personality isn't bad, but he's just too damn stupid to live. If they're looking to recreate some of the BSG style civilian/military/scientist tension, then they need to make each of the three representitives of those groups