Hello Me, It's Me Again

Wrong. I submit that it was when he was forced to give up the waitresses and porn stars that that was when he lost his game. Now that he is unencumbered by the restraints of a relationship, he can start banging his brains out and the wins will start coming again.

It may not be such a bad way if along the way you become filthy rich.

They’re tired of getting nothing from the offense.

She went to Journaliard.

Now playing

So, zero lessons learned. sounds about right. democrats: pathetic since 1972

China...copying something somebody else did...and making more money from it? Color me surprised!

More of the same. That seems to be working in this political climate....

“We need some serious change!”

*immediately elects to keep everything the same*

Looks like a buncha sensitive little pencil necks can’t handle the way a real man talks and plays the game. Rich doesn’t bow down to the god of politically correctedness. Man up and deal with it, this is football. Maybe some of you would be happier following the professional Pretty Little Methodist Girls in Pretty

The DNC has been such crap in Texas it’s ridiculous. In 2008 there was all this talk of turning Texas purple but then they just abandoned it. I live in Houston, a city that has a black mayor, had a lesbian mayor and voted for Obama twice, and I didn’t even have a democratic congressman to vote for in 2016. There’s was

“Richie Incognito is a solid football player who is helping his team win games; that makes him indistinguishable from hundreds of other players in the NFL...”

I knew this would happen. I’ve supported Pelosi in the past but I hate that there are no term limits in Congress and that the old guard never lets up even a little bit of legitimate power except for the sake of optics.

That’s too bad.

Well, to be fair, Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz were awful as a candidate and the head of the DNC.

Sure the Dems could have selected a far less controversial minority leader but where’s the challenge in that? What’s the definition of insanity, again?

Septuagenarian holds onto what little power is left to her. Who else would be better suited to lead the Democrats into a glorious future - energized, modernized, with a clear vision for new ideas! At least she’s not an old, white man clinging to power. That would be totally different though!

Yes, elevating more elderly centrist millionaires to positions of power within the party was a sure winner in 2016 - the left hated Hillary for the same reasons they hate Nancy Pelosi. The establishment Democrat’s addiction to failure is staggering, and the number of milquetoast while liberals willing to abandon

We need to start pointing fingers at state parties. In Alabama, I see blank lines everywhere on my ballot where democrats should be, because in addition to filing fees you have to make a personal $10k donation to the state party in order to be a Democratic Party Candidate.

“I don’t think we need to beat ourselves up,” Swalwell told Politico, incredibly.

Excellent! Now nothing will change with the Democrats and they can keep fielding national candidates that know how to properly fellate Wall Street at the expense of everyone else! Cory Booker 2020!!