Hello Me, It's Me Again

Can’t wait to watch this buffoon deliver a State of the Union address. Because it will cause my head to explode, and then I will be dead .

cc: those Hindus for Trump morons 

And this is the worse gaslighting I’ve seen. Using a question about sexual assault to “make news” ... at a NEWS conference. Did she think the girl didn’t really want an answer to that very pertinent question?

Words no longer have meaning.

War is peace

It’s racist to even bring up that something is racist, quoting the pumpkin-elect when he describes performing sexual assault is offensive, and calling out bombing as violent is violence itself.

The Tolerant Left everyone.

They just need a new name, other than pro-life. How about alt-life?

Trump Campaign: Come on in everyone! I am draining all of the the muck, greed and corruption from Washington. It will be great now, jump in for new wealth and happiness for all. Trust me!

Maybe you just misunderstood and by draining the swamp he meant all of America was the swamp and he need intended to drain it of its wealth.

Well, they don’t call ‘em “Smoky Mountains” for nothing, do they?

“You cannot OD on MDMA. It is not possible.”

When I texted a buddy about the crash he replied, “Soon as the card comes out, they’ll all pop back up.”

There is literally no reason to even look at Taco Cabana when a Torchy’s is a block away.

The last dive these soccer players will ever take.

What does happen is a relentless attack on your ethnicity and your religion by the right wing press, by the new president and by his nazi/kkk buddies that suddenly have media coverage and a platform to air their views.

You’ll find your own branch, David.

We called the one in my home town Six Flags Over Jesus. It’s across from an outdoor mall now, and they’re the same damn size!

Everyone agrees, then, that this world is increasingly hopeless, violent and frightening

Is anyone else dreading Donald’s twitter rant about this? Should come out around 2:54 AM.