Hello Me, It's Me Again

This shouldn’t really be a surprise when you think about it. If you go to the places millennials congregate and have the most power they’re often the most illiberal and closed minded places on the planet. I’m of course talking about American college campuses.

I’m not suprised, I have seen many people my age (including some of my friends) advocate for many forms of repression, as long as those things are repressing things they don’t like. I have personally seen call for repealing the 1st amendment because it allows people to say/broadcast things that they disagree with.

Yes, the people Trump flipped in traditionally blue states that definitely voted for Obama twice did so because they hate black people?

To be fair, Fisher’s decision wasn’t personal. The Rams have a strict policy against allowing their running backs to go anywhere on the field.

Lost in the criticism of the ACA was the fact that private plans aren’t doing any better. The ACA was always far more about helping as many people as possible get healthcare rather than cutting costs. Those goals obviously are somewhat tied, but real cost reduction would have required major changes and made an enemy

Michelle Obama and the campaign itself pigeon holed them with the when they go low horseshit.

And only scratches the surface.

Their language is also being co-opted and turned back against the dimwits by those who recognize how ridiculous they are - I for one love calling them out as “betas” who are are “triggered” by the existence of opposing viewpoints, their need for “safe spaces” like /r/the_donald and their insistence on being described

Thats their term for any men who support women/minority rights. The commenter was reusing their words against them and it fits. They are unbelieveable babies who can not stand a constructive mutual discussion and revert to banning/blocking/name calling any time their argument has holes poked into it or the facts go

I think we get too much into Good vs. Bad when looking at other countries and other leaders. Take 5 minutes and look at the USA from an outsider view:

you miss the point. the US would never let Cuba have fair and free elections and elect a leftist government, just like they didn’t let Chile do it and Chile passed much less of a threat. the USA would have reinstalled a friendly pinochet type dictator as soon as they could. the only way to keep the revolution was

There is a part of my brain that says: Yeah? You think a dictator or military-controlled society seems like a good idea? Fuck it. Do it. You think because your demographic is the favored one it’s going to be good for you? Perhaps initially. Till the power is firmly in place. Then you’re just as fucked as the rest. And

Maybe because so many millenials feel pushed to the side, blamed for the debt, like their voice doesn’t count/matter, are told to suck it up and act like the Recession never happened, and with gerrymandering believe they are shut out of the election process while trying to elbow their way in for a seat at the table.

Free speech is a concept. I said nothing about the 1st amendment or any legal requirements if that’s what you’re getting at.

Yeah but sedans are more practical

Don’t burn them too hard or they will ban your account!

Trumpies (especially the bitter forcels populating reddit) believe all non-Trumpie white men secretly want their wives to fuck black men to destroy racial purity or some similar nonsense, hence calling them all cucks.

Nah, that’s the new insult these alt-whatever types are using now. It, somehow, establishes their dominance over anyone who isn’t a complete asshole.

Reddit touted themselves forever as the place to go to be able to say whatever you wanted. I seriously wonder... What did they really expect? Objectivity? For everyone to just get along?

Oh good, the trolls are back.