Looks like a donkey and kicks like one too.
Looks like a donkey and kicks like one too.
truly the dumbest, most overrated, selfish, me first player to get any real recognition in a while.
I’m a cavs fan and I support him. I hope he continues to kick people, and gets suspended from the finals again.
The NBA needs to get this asshole off the court.
We should ban all American and British productions, since they have given us the 2016 Presidential Elections and Brexit!
Nice how the commentators focus solely Steph Curry and not on Draymond Green’s magic leg.
Its amazing how the broadcast literally ignores everything and doesn’t even mention that Chriss had to go off the court in pain. It was pure beautiful homerism
He still has to be fined/suspended, regardless of intention. What’s the NBA supposed to do, just ignore it? Should they get him help? I still haven’t read a good response about what the NBA should do other than what they are doing.
Its called the “hard flop” try to draw a foul while simultaneously making sure to nail the other guy with a solid kick. Ref’s only look at what your hands are doing when you flop like that.
Saw this all the time in highschool ball, never to this perfection level. He’s a real pro.
... Bullshit artist. Sorry, that made…
Listen to the warriors commentators bitch about Curry being grabbed. They went to the free throw line 34 times in this game. Fuck this franchise
Man, I hate him. I hate him not because he’s dirty, but pleads innocence and victimization upon being called dirty. I hate him because he talks an incredible amount of shit, yet becomes furious when someone talks shit back. And I hate him because - unpopular opinion alert - on any other team, he’d be fine but far from…
Warriors fan eh?
It’s about ethics in kinesiology
I wish someone would just go ahead, haul off and beat his ass. I’m so sick of him doing this and then getting defended by bay-area bandwagoners and his mother. It’s ridiculous.
“OMG! Young men and women are sexually evaluating each other based upon looks, style, sex appeal and physical attributes! Sound the alarms! We need to take this to the streets!”
When did the sexually uptight televangelist busy-bodies of the 80's & 90's (Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson etc.) morph into the liberals of the present?
I also take boner pills because I have a huge penis that functions properly and for no other reason.