
You are a judgmental condescending prick - how “intelligent” and “liberal” of you categorizing “white America” as rednecks and “Toby Keith”.. you are too much of a fool to realize that this faux progressive judgmental far left bullshit is what got you Trump in the first place, you fool.

They did try for Noah, so you’ve got a point.

Nah, the classic Grunfeld move here would be targeting the crucial missing supporting piece to move his team up to the next tier of faux contenders, in the form of Joakim Noah.

Starred for “felony deep in shit”

Three years ago a 997 Turbo was $35k?

I’d have a 997 turbo over a GT-R any day.

That’s because people on Rennlist are insane.

At first, I thought Williams was walking a little fucked up, maybe worth something. Then, a cop walked the same route, seemed just as fucked up. And then, during questioning, that cop got behind him, looked like he was waiting to jump him if things went south. But there was no indication things would go south!

Somewhere, Ernie Grunfeld is trying to figure out how to trade John Wall for Paul Pierce.

Lee says that a Washington coach imitated a player

Shady cop 101.

They absolutely do know. That’s why the two bald guys got so conciliatory and started making “you see how it looks” excuses to preempt the race card. Even while the one who doesn’t know is still trying to trap him a super predator.

He also invited Williams to stay at his house

That “LA Chargers” chant has to be the most pathetic chant I’ve ever heard. Fuck Dean Spanos but also fuck all California sports fans—Raiders, Chargers, Warriors, Lakers, each of the 2 LA Kings fans. You are the worst.

Hey look motherfucker, I want to go skiing much faster with my ristretto soy latte to hook up with waitresses and my plastic-faced, non-bj-giving wife needs a car to go to Cherry Creek Mall if the weather is a little cloudy.

I’m with Kristen on this one.

Like you could afford a new Porsche.


Top 10 list of cars for people who don’t like cars, with the possible exception of the Forester...maybe.

...and never recline my seat.