
Having a hard fucking time believing that Revis hit anybody.

I know not one alumnus who was upset with the idea of the stadium. No doubt, there were large portions of the faculty and community members in Fort Collins who were upset, but the vast majority of alumni can’t wait to buy tickets to attend games at the new stadium. They all think it’s the key to them getting invited

Let me help out the people of Lawrence.

Sorry dude, but this is a ridiculous, overly simplistic argument and you should feel bad for making it.

Talking up a sub .500 team by mentioning another sub .500 team’s win streak. This is sad kinja.

Should probably instead consider how we accept a salary cap situation that gives neither of those two players any incentive to improve their free throw rates because they already make the maximum possible salary.

Kyrie is the perfect example of a guy who can’t win as the the main guy but is perfect with someone like Lebron. He’s not enough of a distributor at his size to carry a team, but with Lebron, he becomes a devastating weapon because he can just focus on the one or two things he’s amazing at.

He’s impossible to guard, and not just because of his otherworldly handle; it’s because he makes damn near every single layup, no matter the degree of difficulty. And he’s not some pyrotechnic athlete like Russ. It’s demoralizing to guard dudes who still score, no matter how well you play them.

Like you said, you’re not American.

Hello. I’m not American. Can someone tell me why America thought it was a good idea to make a functionally illiterate man with severe personality disorders the President of the United States of America?

I’m going to have to ask you to leave now, please. Don’t make a scene.

Well, at this point, the United States are kinda the Knicks of the world.

listen to his cadence. he stopped after he said it because he thought that it would get a chuckle out of everyone. it was a joke that landed turribly flat.

It’s hard to root for the Wizards, just because of, what, the last 40 or 50 seasons? But was it last year when Wall broke down and cried about the little girl who died of cancer? That was an amazingly human thing to see, and I really don’t see how people in DC can not pull for this team. They’re just fun to watch, and

I hear ya. So did I tell you about how I’m getting ready for a marathon by switching to a vegan diet?


Don’t worry. Ernie Grunfeld will swoop in and offer Otto Porter and Bradley Beal, plus a few draft picks, for Anthony. This is the year for the ‘Zards!

It’s nice to see you Flex your muscles, being the Explorer of humor, but the lack of Focus is that it Escapes me what kind of Fiesta you’re trying for here. This really Taurus apart.

“Oh, you’re one of the good ones. Here’s some money.”

You lose today, Darwin.