Dave J.

Three? Look at the big spender!

Like everything else about the Patriots, this story is listed as QUESTIONABLE.

You can’t tell Scalise that his idea would be “a whole new ball game.” He was fucking shot at a ball game.

This is his least racist tweet in months

I’m calling bullshit. No guy in the world would try something this stupid without having already measured his cock in exacting detail so he could excitedly (and then disappointedly) measure the “after” effects in just as much detail. I mean, c’mon, we’ve all at least taken a ruler down there to check...

And the other old saying,

Would be the first time he went all the way without Jordan or Kobe.

I’ll sleep better knowing he grew to know that it’s not okay to beat women. It’s a redemption story in the making.

That was a gritty performance.

Yeah, you beat me to it. That one guy in the picture looks like his whiteness is a little too “pure” if you catch my drift.

Maybe he can follow Rick Ankiel’s example and convert into a center.

h/t doorfliesopen.com

Aw. Prayers up for you, buddy.

So edgy! Take so hot!

She was fucking thrilled, what more do you want? GTFOH with that shit.

Why don’t the Hawks try to turn their season around and sign this dude? He’d start for them immediately and he only fell on defense once.

Only when I’ve been drinking heavily and can’t walk that well.

I can’t wrap my head around the fact that anyone thought Brett Friggin Favre had any idea what he was doing regarding something on the internets. It’s Brett Friggin Favre. The dude rides tractors to the corner store for PBR.

Does anyone else get the impression that “gay up until the point of intercourse” means, “I hate women, but goddamnit, I want to have sex with women”? 

i am such an outsider to the world of sport but i feel very proud of all playing