Dave J.

The Kim Jung Un one killed me

I'm officially setting the over/under on how many "Big Johnson" t-shirts from high school this guy still has rotting away in some drawer at "6.5".

Strange-people in the South are re-living the past?

You probably shouldn't put it in the dishwasher, honestly. Just hand wash it and let it dry on a flat surface. Once a month put some oil on it to keep it in good condition.

I feel terrible for the guy. With such a close-knit, upstanding locker room, there's no way the Ravens will take a chance on a questionable deviant like Michael Sam.

"Rick Pitino says he can last longer in bed"

are these solar plants killing as many birds, per year, as house cats?

Was expecting a good Jay Cutler story when I clicked on this link.

If I were Gabe Newell, I would make HL3 just so this guy couldn't play it.

He's gone on to a successful career as a special teams coach at Minnesota State University.

Sounds like the only college football player who was afraid to come out of the closet was Craig James' kid.

someone had left an indeterminate amount of semen on the sheets of the second bed, and those sheets had been taken away for cleaning, and hadn't come back.

The developers were Bill and Sam Naito, who are native Portlanders. I doubt they ever considered changing the name to something that didn't honor the original purpose of the building.

Actually, distorted vision lending him an exaggerated view of curves is exactly what makes him a staple at parties.

If you neighbor builds something (crappy - not to code) and it can be seen from the street/adjoining properties, it can and will bring down property values... not a good thing for anyone.

Correct. I think his point was probably that people with less resilient constitutions were dead.

"not many people are actively pursuing it in the US."

To all of you apologists out there, there is absolutely no excuse for americans to be getting shafted the way we are by our ISPs it should disgust every last one of you that you are paying what you are for internet that is subpar even in second world countries, at prices that we really cant afford to be paying, the