Dave J.

This guy is like the real life impersonation of every troll I’ve dealt with in the darkest corners of reddit and online gaming

“This was clearly a moment where I lost control”. I find his apology so bizarre. Who the hell gets temporary racism outbursts? Like, I’m really sorry, sometimes I get the racism.

Let us also not forger the greatest Canadian export since Canadian Bacon:

I had a buddy in college who dated a girl whose mother looked like Joe West. She used to come home after work, drink beer and fall asleep in front of the TV.

and that “world champion climber” (probably named Jim) came to him afterwards with tears streaming down his face and said “Sir, you just built the most unclimbable wall in history. You are truly a genius and hero to us all and are making American great again.

A good time to remember that Colin Kaepernick gave up his job and all the considerable perks that come with it to stand up against injustice, while LeBron James, whose legacy and bank account are both more secure, is unwilling to risk even a small fraction of future earnings to speak on one of the few world issues

Gladwell has made an absolute killing by writing “Maybe just trust your gut” to boomers who just wanted confirmation bias that everything they think is right anyway.

Also, you don’t need a PhD to understand child rape/molestation. Paterno was a force and an institution at Penn State. He didn’t do that by being a kindly

This read like a article in an anthropological journal about some uncontacted tribe in the Amazon. 

My theory is still that Trump uses Twitter to control the media attention more than anything. I wish everyone (Legend included, as epic as that was) would just make a pact to ignore Twitter as any form of official Presidential communication. Let him yell at his base in a giant echo chamber, leave the rest of us out of

That’s where I’m at too. Same thing turned me off of Walking Dead when Dwight showed up, killed Denise in cold blood, and then within a few episodes was supposed to be this guy just struggling to survive.

I guarantee you there’s far fewer deaths in our “concentration camps” than would have other wised perished under the care of their “parents”. 

Guys, what if Left Shark wasn’t just screwing up her Super Bowl performance?

I’m really glad your political science degree is finally coming in handy.

FYI, if they have an accent when they come back or ever say ‘I forget the word in English’, you’re legally allowed to bludgeon them with a hammer.


Or just don’t let your cat outside, cause it’s an invasive species that kills local fauna.

“It’s not something we wanted to have happen. It didn’t have to go this route,says spokesperson for sheriff’s office that has chosen to make this happen by going this route.

Sushi doesn’t go with crackers.

No. They should have customer service reps available during their peak business hours, which I assume based on their entire business model (food delivery) extend far past 5pm. If there are enough high visibility or urgent topics that require cross-team assistance, they should plan shifts and coverage accordingly.

Hot take: Anything outside of the movies have no impact on the movies and never will.