Dave J.

Can’t think of a more terrifying or claustrophobia-inducing experience than being on a WWI sub. Gives me the shivers just thinking about it.

As the parent of two kids in elementary school, which is like a breeding ground for brand-new-app-enthusiasm, it’s super hard to keep track of what is real and what is fake. As hard as I try to stay up on things, I’m really an old fuddy-duddy, and every day my kids come home asking if they can download 10 new apps,

I suspect the other Jerry prefers to just pay for it up front and not mess around with any of the “gals from the office.”

Paul Allen is a sneaky high draft pick in this game.

Jerry’s been on the wrong side of history for years, friendo. This is hardly the first, second, or thousandth allegation of THAT.

I went to college in a smallass town in southern Minnesota, and both of our local pizza places (not the shitty chains like Dominos) cut it like that. Both also had gyros pizza with tzatziki dipping sauce, which to this day is still the best pizza I’ve ever had.

Aw c’mon, he’s still got Diamond and Silk!!

It’s really interesting/terrifying to think about what the employment landscape (especially in the “gig economy”) is going to look like as Lyft and Uber transition to autonomous vehicles, and have no need for pesky human drivers.


Viewed in conjunction with the lawsuit filed yesterday that alleged that the NFL Network is prejudiced in all manner of ways against women, this story is highly relevant, as it suggests that hiring practices are determined, to some unknown extent, by management concerns that female employees are likely to become

B&B, baby, boob and box.

The mistake you’re making is thinking the harassment was a tactic to get something else. The harassment was the whole point. They didn’t really care that she “said no,” they loved the act of making her endure whatever it was that they wanted to do or say.

And also literally impossible to deny in a court of law.

This whole situation reminds me of the way that whenever there’s some story on the local news about a stray dog that got rescued in some crazy way, 8000 people call up the pound to adopt it. And yet, there are literally hundreds of dogs already at the pound that would love to be adopted...but nobody calls. If everyone

“Kampp-Seyfried managed to excavate the entranceway to Kampp 150, but that’s as far as she got, and the tombs were quickly forgotten.”

I’m not talking about sports where the potential outcome is worse, I’m talking about sports where if you do something *technically* wrong, you can die. MMA is violence, pure and simple, so you know you’re going to be injured from day 1.

There aren’t many sports where “doing something not exactly the right way” means you might die as opposed to missing a jump shot, striking out, or looking foolish. If it’s that thin a line in the NFL, we’ve got a huge problem. If Michael Phelps’s fundamentals are off, he loses a race by. 05. If Roger Federer doesn’t

Don’t forget sitting on the tapes of him making insanely racist and sexist comments during filming.

Where are white leaders decrying this savage display of violence in their community?