Dave J.


My daily highlight usually involves my extensive debate with myself over whether it’s worth the trouble to scoop a given piece of uneaten food off of my kid’s plate into the compost bin, or whether I should just eat it and put the plate directly into the dishwasher. Fatherhood!!

This is what the media insisting on “balance” for the last 20 years has gotten us. Anytime a conservative does something truly evil, they have to have an “and on the left...” take of some Democrat who did something vaguely stupid that one time.

Sorry, but this is also on Mara. He knows that McAdoo and Reese are gone after the year, and if he cares about Manning and his legacy so much, why is he trusting those two bozos to deal with the very delicate issue of his playing time?

Sort of question the sanity of anyone who still has Facebook linked in any way to their actual phone number.

There is no chance this would affect other airlines, unless there is some sort of precedent for a situation where one company notices that its competitor has suffered a catastrophic loss of supply, and consequently realizes that consumer demand for ITS product will be far higher than anticipated, and responds by

I’m still surprised that nothing has come out from ESPN. There are a couple decades worth of stories about men there behaving really badly.

Don’t they pull them up in something that maintains the pressure where they’re found?

It’s like the saying goes: if you’re using something for free on the internet, you’re not a client, you’re the product.

I love that they both seem so familiar with her brutally quick dismissal.

And Australia is like 2x the size of China.

It’s a solid point you’re making, especially when you consider that the same managerial attitudes that lead to a (nearly) 100% white workforce are the same attitudes giving leadership on how to talk about issues that affect people of color (Kaepernick, national anthem, etc.). Not hard to believe that if the workforce

People only remember one thing about a wedding: did they have a good time. Nobody remembers the china, or the flowers, or the linens, or really anything else that takes a lot of time to plan. Years later, all you’ll get from guests is “we loved your wedding, it was so fun.” (Or they won’t say anything, which means it

Hey, thanks! You helped me remember another time honored Thanksgiving guest, “insufferable 18 year old cousin on break from first year at college.”

“Hey, what the fuck??”

I like how his thinking was “I’m about to get killed, I have to say anything to get away” so naturally the first thing that came to mind was offering the potential attacker $20 to blow him.

“No matter how warm the water gets, the sensation is both hot and cool.”

Hey, what’s the weather like in Moscow this time of year? Does RT have good benefits?

“Neither Gaxiola nor Lee are facing disciplinary measures for the footage.”