Dave J.

I’m used to a half dozen buxom cheerleaders on their knees behind the basket, cheering my every shot and gaming out their “post-game” moves back in my hotel room. So forgive me if I’m not able to accurately shoot for shit out here at the East Bumfuck Country Rodeo n’ Hootenanny.

Stone later walked back on his comments in a statement HIS PUBLICIST WROTE AND PUBLISHED on Facebook.

I think it has to have been pilot suicide. That’s the only scenario that makes sense.

Seems like one of those insufferable “unwritten rules” in baseball that result in four guys getting HBP the next game along with three bench clearing brawls.

Now playing

Sorry, any mention of J-Lo must be accompanied by this, the greatest Freudian slip in recorded history.

It’s not even the same thing, unless you can point me to some previously unknown chapter of American history, one that lasted 150 years, wherein white people were lynched and systematically deprived of their civil rights whilst being called “cracker” by a majority black population.

I like David Cross, but beware of the “that doesn’t sound like something I would do” response to an accusation of terrible behavior. It’s not a denial! People are able to compartmentalize their actions, that’s how “good” people can do terrible things and still consider themselves to be good people.

Justin Herbert from Oregon actually is the real deal, and will probably be the #1 overall pick in 2019.

I get the whole “let’s stockpile draft picks and become great, eventually” plan, but doesn’t the potential success of that plan depend on your ability to draft good players, and to then turn those drafted players into good pro players? Have the Browns demonstrated that they can do either of those things? I mean, they

I work in higher ed fundraising, and it’s sort of an unspoken understanding that any unrestricted estate gift should be first and foremost directed to what the deceased did, or was affiliated with at the institution. At one institution where I worked, we had an unexpected multimillion dollar estate left by a prof, one

It’s even scarier when you realize that this is very similar to how family members talk about their daily struggles with a loved one with Alzheimers.

I lived near Normal Heights, a neighborhood in San Diego, when I was growing up and there was an absolute catastrophic fire there in the mid 80s, much of which was fueled by explosions of eucalyptus trees scattered around in the canyons. Nightmarish stuff.

An even better move would be, after the invitation has been sent and accepted, and the event has been scheduled, to put out a Tweet saying that you’re going to call Trump an asshole to his face. Trump is an enormous coward, and would be faced with the dilemma of having the world watch a professional athlete call him

The heads of this new company...

A lot of people don’t realize that the drone was in the sky, ok? And there is so much sky in Yemen, there is really a tremendous amount of air sky there. Everywhere you look, especially if you look up, there is sky. And the missile that they shot, and by the way this drone that was hit by the missile was built during

Which means...he’s giving up some of the massive bonus he received for quitting?

Wait, is there any evidence that they knew his car could actually be used? Seems like they just saw it from across the street, figured it was sitting in his driveway, and sent him a letter. I think the headline only works if they knew it was a driveable car and *still* sent him the letter. I hate HOAs but this doesn’t

Yes, yes, that definitely looks like a “bad cop,” fortunately all the “good cops” we keep hearing about are sure to raise a real commotion, demanding that this nefarious colleague of theirs be fired immediately!

I have a friend who has a custody dispute with his ex that has gone on about that long. The problem is that each side antagonizes the other on a weekly basis, so you’ve always got some fresh grievance to litigate. Nobody talks about the reasons for the divorce 10 years ago, just the latest fucked up thing their ex did

Guy pretends to own a comically oversized truck, then acts like a fake internet tough guy to impress people he’s never met, only to fold like a cheap menu the second he gets called out.