Dave J.

“Savage, who was practically immobile in the pocket and barely looked worthy of being on an NFL roster, let alone starting for a supposedly good team.”

Are they selling products, though? There’s a difference between the guy roaming your neighborhood screaming about the CIA trying to control his brain, and the store down the block selling $400 hats made out of tinfoil.

This is something best addressed two weeks before the actual party. Spouse proposes making sushi casserole. You reply, “Hey, sounds like a great idea. But, I’m not sure that sushi and casserole really go together, you know? Why don’t we make it this weekend to just test it out, and if we think it really works, we can

Wait, Brian Kelly, the guy who sent a student cameraman up on a hydraulic lift in gale force winds to videotape practice, leading his death, is accused of doing something foolish and negligent to a student he is obligated to protect? Wow, I’m stunned.

I bet the person flying that flag also thinks that people who deface the flag should be imprisoned.

“McMahill said that officer didn’t have his body camera turned on, and he did not know why.”

Yeah, the devil is in the details. Do the “extreme conditions” they modeled for include Category 5 hurricanes with winds > 185 mph? If not, then it doesn’t really matter.

I call on white leaders to soundly reject the violence that has afflicted their culture.

I see people who look like her while walking to work every day. I also work in the part of Portland with a super high concentration of meth-addicted transients. What I’m saying is that she very much looks like someone who is addicted to meth.

Reminder: your parents, some of your cousins, and those weird friends from high school you only talk with on Facebook every couple months voted for Donald Trump to deal with this problem because “there was just something” they didn’t trust, having to do with email, about the most qualified person to run for President

Yeah, thanks for illustrating my point quite nicely. I’m not saying there are no solutions to this problem, I’m saying we lack the (a) funds, (b) inclination, and (c) collaborative skillz to ever make it happen, or to implement any of the solutions. Which you much as admit with your examples. Hence, we arrive back at

End. Electronic. Voting. Now.

“More than 40% of the freshman class at Harvard University had one or more relatives attend before them. That should be illegal.”

Yes and no—I’m sure they like the fact that people will think they tried to do something while at the same time not losing one of their marquee stars to a suspension. However, this just makes them look flat out incompetent AND nefarious. Not an ideal mix.

“We have a solid, proven system, and frankly Kap just doesn’t suit it.”
“Ok, well, will you reveal your identity so we can determine whether or not that’s true?”

Perhaps they should have said “Operational standards aboard the Fitzgerald were shoddy enough that China was able to lodge serious and snarky criticism about the US Navy in the days following the incident, knowing the US would be unable to respond.”

Trump would have lost three voters, without a doubt.

“With all the major pieces in place, Cameron and Wisher finished the entire script for Terminator 2 in six and a half weeks, which is insane considering how well it all works (and that in 2017, James Cameron has been working on Avatar sequels for about six and a half years).”

Um....huh? Have you ever seen a skinhead in real life? Usually the shaved head is the LEAST noticeable thing about them. The things that typically catch the eye are the white power tattoos, the clothing, the general dickish attitude, and about 40 other things, and then finally the shaved head. You can come up with as

IIRC there was some belief that Stanhope was saying “oh hey it was me” to take the fall for Louis. And what about that piece (on Gawker?) about Louis calling up some dude who said something about him and these allegations on Twitter?