Dave J.

Blah blah blah first world problems, yes, but nobody is complaining about starving—they’re complaining that they paid for nice stuff, and got shit instead. No matter how terrible you may think the attendees are, that’s the sort of thing that will lead to a lawsuit 100% of the time.

Go fuck yourself.

He’s totally trying to bite my (dog’s) style.

Or “...sounds great when it’s to a health care law passed by a black guy!”

It’s called “his first non-rookie contract.” And it will certainly happen.

The great irony, of course, is that he would never choose to visit, much less live in, much less let his family visit or live in, probably 99.9999% of the red districts on that map.

Counterpoint: you have to drive into Seattle’s soul-sucking traffic nightmare. But, yeah, I totally agree with everything you said. (And I live in Portland, and drive to Seattle frequently.)

I don’t fly much out of the states, so can’t say much about the international carriers, but I’ve had exceptional service pretty much constantly with Alaska Airlines in the states.

Most men, upon hearing someone say “Dude, she married you for your money” would get insulted, and think that the person was critiquing their looks or personality. Trump hears the same thing and takes it as compliment towards his substantial wealth.

Nah, I would never pay it, I’m cheap. Just saying that the initial “fuck yeah!” of fresh juicing is followed almost immediately by “ugh, I hate cleaning this shit.” So, I can see why some people who are fanatical about juicing would buy this.

It’s also objectively nowhere near as good as fresh squeezed (or “cold pressed” for the hipsters among us), and you can’t get the variety in the stores that you can make at home.

It’s not just finding a needle in the haystack, it’s finding a needle at the exact right point in its life cycle in that haystack. I mean, even if there was a planet that was exactly like Earth in every possible way, except the development of life there was trailing our own by just 100 years, we would hear nothing and

I bought a $50 juicer on Amazon, and it works like a charm. BUT, you have to buy and store a shit ton of fresh fruit and veggies to make juice a regular thing, and cleanup of the machine (and this one cleans up fairly easily) is a huge pain in the ass. So I can see the appeal of a Keurig-like contraption where I just

Yeah, 99 times out of 100, “entitlements” is code for “black people.”

“I’m a rookie coach, but they’re not going to rook us” is equally great. Kudos to this dude for dropping two meme-worthy lines in about 2 minutes.

If you’ve really listened to him for 12 years, I no longer trust your understanding of the words “telling,” “truth,” “time,” “mistake,” and “admits.” I *barely* trust your understanding of the words “of,” “a,” and “it.”

Clearly the dress is gold and light black.

1. We don’t have 268 MOABs. Probably not even close to that.

All are great with the exception of that last photo, which is kind of an apples to oranges comparison—I grew up in CA and lived there from the mid 70s to the early 90s, and so speaking from memory I can say that there are very few hillsides anywhere in CA, in any year, that are going to be green in July. Of course