Dave J.

With all due respect,

I like how you say “stripper in a fetish costume” like it’s supposed to be a turn off.

“And when he gets loudly, it gets VERY LOUD INDEED.”

The analogy I would draw is with airlines. Do airlines really think people don’t want pillows and snacks and that they *want* to pay fees for baggage and for aisle seats and things that used to be taken for granted? No, of course not, airlines know that people want those things. But they also know that people almost

Prediction: he will be escorted to the mound by Bryce Harper, a group of Purple Heart recipients, three Girl Scouts who use wheelchairs, and a litter of puppies. He will still be booed.

Republican “leadership” have spent the past 10 years trying to say the most outrageous thing so they can get on Hannity that night. They literally cannot think more than a week ahead, and have spent their days trying to govern like the comments section of your local newspaper’s latest article about bike lanes and/or

With two kids in elementary school, I am going to say that DEALING WITH THE UNENDING SHITSTORM OF PAPER THAT COMES IN THE HOUSE EVERY FUCKING DAY is the worst chore. Homework, notices from school, the mail, just random papers here and there. Ugh, it is unending, and terrible.

Honestly with that last comment you are now more qualified to run the FAA than whoever the fuck Trump appoints.

“He looks like he’s lived every day twice,” as my grandmother used to say. (Although she always said it about “loose women” she was hoping one of her children would not date.)

Sort of sad how very familiar she seems to be with this kind of thing. If it was a first time event she’d have a shocked WTF???? look on her face. She’s more like “sigh, here we go again...”

Pretty sure a frackes is a fracas involving Jonathan Frakes?

“I said, wait a minute, there’s a lot of wiretapping being talked about.”

“If morality does not exist for him... it’s why he went after Heidi directly and smeared my wife. Attacked her.”

This is a good joke, and reminds me to have a bourbon tonight. +2

Sadly, internet porn also reminds me what a boring person I am.

Why is it the government’s responsibility to ensure that the private companies to whom our healthcare has been entrusted are not able to price people out of the ability to treat potentially fatal illnesses, or to manage conditions that they have acquired due to nothing other than bad luck?

I agree that this is a great and sensible article, but the following sentence makes no sense:

My mom clips out newspaper articles and brings them over to my house, which is so awesome. 95% of the time I’m like “oh yeah, I read that already, on the internet.”