Dave J.

“I am about as liberal as they come, but I will never support civil rights for people based on gender, sexual orientation, or race/ethnicity.”

“Well, the election, it came out really well. Next time we’ll triple the number or quadruple it. We want to get it over 51, right? At least 51.”

“This is shameful, the epitome of unprofessional and absolutely unbecoming for someone in @Drew_Hammill’s position.”

You said “black people, don’t get upset by what I’m about to say” and then said “people who live in the projects...” The CLEAR implication was that black people would get upset about what you were about to say because most people who live in the projects are black.

The entire concept of impeachment assumes that the party in control of either/both the House and Senate gives a flying fuck about the President’s bad acts.

I knew it wasn’t when the headline didn’t mention under the table payoff from Putin.

“People assume I am stupid and terrible for supporting Trump, so I am going to be stupid and terrible just to prove them...right.”

“And some people said, “Oh, I’m so ashamed.” Don’t be ashamed; organize your people.”

Pretty sure this photo tells you all you need to know.

“Dash, 50, was signed by Fox in 2014"


You need to lay off your late-night viewings of “Dave.” It doesn’t work quite like that IRL.

“The last President to have a military flyover was Harry S. Truman in 1949.”

No worries, folks, Trump’s cabinet has GOT THIS.

Dude. Not even close.

And low standards have a way of trickling down. Modify the building code to let homeless-only residences avoid certain aspects of the code, and watch those loopholes get transferred first to low income housing, next to student housing, then to moderate income housing, etc., and the next thing you know only the super

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