Dave J.

There you go, parroting the Trump/Pravda line again. But the reality is that “the intelligence” community assessment was that Iraq did not have WMD, but that the political appointees in the Bush Admin overrode their judgement and invaded anyway. Whoops!! But look, you stop lecturing me about my country’s history, and

I’m not building that fucken wall, you icehole.

“hacking in russia does not equate to hacking for Russia.”

I would say that when I hear someone deliberately parsing the language in an intelligence community’s assessment to highlight the shred of information that dissents from the *overwhelming conclusion,* and when that person is posting from an anonymous internet account, I tend to suspect that this person may in fact be

Thanks, Tim, for translating your comments—I don’t understand the Cyrillic script.

Well, as is likely to be the case with most of the things Trump does over the next 2* years, it appears he is doing what he’s doing simply to be a dick, and to show he’s in charge. As I understand it, the norm is that people are given time to tidy up loose ends, make personal arrangements, etc. even though it is

That is for the more prestigious ones. The ambassador to Switzerland, for example, is likely to be a GOP mega donor. Many posts, however, are filled by long time State employees who are loyal soldiers to the country, not any one political party.

I’m sure the White House kitchen is now going to be locked in to absurdly inflated no bid contracts so that all their beef comes from Trump connected slaughterhouses, straight on down the line. The guy simply does not miss a chance to leverage every possible opportunity to bleed someone else dry to inflate his own

Wonder if casting her sister would work in any way at all.

Tommy Lasorda had a very similar story in his autobiography, wherein as a young kid he asked some ballplayer to sign his glove, and the guy basically told him to fuck off, and then when Lasorda, years later, was pitching in the minors (as a just-signed prospect), this same guy came up to bat, sort of on his last go

A tax cut for corporations will help only shareholders—it will do absolutely nothing to bring even one job back to America. And if the media had been even remotely responsible about pointing out that Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns means we’ll never know precisely how his economic “policy” benefits him

Two things. My darkest secrets are pretty tame, and I’m not holding myself up as a paragon of moral virtue to the world, as Newt is.

Never forget, Newt was the guy who literally served his wife divorce papers while she was recovering from cancer surgery. And then cheated on the women he left her for (and married) with the woman who became his current/3rd wife. And once told a girlfriend that he could only have oral sex with her (him receiving, of

Yeah, go look at that video again and now pretend you’re the GM who has to stand in front of the press with your new draft picks and EVERY QUESTION from the press is asking why you drafted the guy who punched that woman in the face so hard.

Amen. I fly Alaska about 80% of the time for business. The other 20% when I have to endure American, United, etc. makes me all the more happy to get back on Alaska. They have the same happy irreverence, and I love it.

Yeah, babies are just being babies. Loud dudes are CHOOSING to be belligerent dicks. 100x worse.

Alaska Airlines is pretty great as well. I was on a flight once (departed at 630am) and the flight attendants came on and said “and we’ll also be offering beer and and assortment of liquor along with our morning coffee and snacks. Yes, it’s 630, but we won’t judge you, folks. Everyone needs to cut loose every so

You would die, and there is a large fence up to prevent you from doing that.

It would be, like, super interesting to look at the stock activity of Trump’s friends and family in the hours preceding one of his out-of-left-field tweets. He can literally impact the value of publicly traded companies by hundreds of millions of dollars at the drop of a hat. Crazy to think that certain people